
Responses from jim_swantko

Not Another NuForce thread......
In my experience - the Nuforce is anything but thin... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
I have to say that the Ref 9 SE V2's certainly live up to the hype in my system. Well done NuForce. 
SACD certainly bests CD for me.
Esoteric DV-50's can be had for a reasonable amount - and they are fantastic players.... quite close to my old Linn Unidisk 1.1. 
Best Speakers to Audition in the $5-10k range?
I'd second Aerial Acoustics. 
Krell or Mark Levinson with Revel Ultima2's???
You know what I'd go with... if you buy them and don't like them I'll buy them from you! :) 
Krell or Mark Levinson with Revel Ultima2's???
Pull the trigger already!!! Jeez!! You know what to do! 
Problem with Audio Research Ref 3 or Ref 210's
I can almost guarantee that you changed the gain. My LS26 does the same thing. I think the frequency to change volume may be quite close to that which adjusts the gain.This happens most often when I am holding the volume button down - versus press... 
Personal amp evolution
JVC receiver (no idea what model - early 80's)Marantz MA500 Mono-blocksLinn AV5125Another Linn AV5125 (Aktiv system)Levinson 336 
Best Preamp = No Preamp?
I echo the sentiments that a pre-amp is one of the most important components you can have. Get a good one or don't get one at all.I love what tubes in the pre have done for my system. 
Universal remote for Linn???
I'm not sure your definition of "inexpensive" - but I am using a Logitech Harmony 670 which cost me about $100 at Best Buy and it's fantastic.Their on-line database has codes for nearly every component you can imagine - from Linn to Meridian to Au... 
Blockbuster goes Blu-ray, HD DVD=beta?,
This is almost reason enough for me to buy an HD-DVD machine and some disks. I absolutely dispise Blockbuster and am enjoying watching them suffer from Netflix.I think this will hurt HD but I also think that there are lots of people like me who do... 
Linn CD12 vs. EMM CDSA
Davemitchell -How would you compare the Unidisk 1.1 to the CD12? I own a 1.1 and simply love it - but always wondered how it stacked up to the 12.The CD7 is an amazing player - and if I didn't like SACD so much I'd probably own one.TIAJim 
The passing of Marianne Barber of Joule Electra
My condolonces to the Barber family. 
Wadia 861se vs. Linn Unidisc SC
I had the SC and the pre-amp is nothing to write home about. I would try adding a nice pre-amp and defeating the internal pre in the SC.It's a very good player IMO.Good luck.Jim 
is it worth it?
Go get a 1.1 and let it downconvert all the MC to 2-channel. It suuuuure sounds good! :)See you over on Tropica!Seriously however - I say go for it.