
Responses from jim_swantko

musical subwoofer recommendation for 2-ch
RBH 1010 is a fantastic sub IMO 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Well said Mjvfashion. However I simply installed fuel injection on my engine and it was instantly better. No need for new plug wires or a new cam!Maybe I am just lucky. :) 
Class-D amps - a different re view
"NuForce, when does not need to drive difficult load which it can't, doing admirable job too."My Nuforce's have zero problems driving my Aerial 10T's and they are certainly not what I would consider an "easy" load. 
Is Sony XA9000es superior to Esoteric DV 50s?
If it's in a magazine - it absolutely must be true. 
What do you think about this statement
"There is no best, or most musical, or anything...Enjoy what you have."Well said. I came from a full Linn system (which is very much in the same vein as Naim's sound) and now have an ARC pre with a smattering of other brands.I prefer my new setup ... 
Is my Esoteric DV-50S a keeper?
Keep the DV-50. I replaced a Unidisk 1.1 which was MUCH more expensive with one and it more than holds it own against it.My plan is to eventually mod the DV-50 - but right now I'm very happy with it bone stock. 
Question about Linn Unidisk 1.1/2.1 Balanced Outs
I asked this question to a Linn sales engineer and this was his reply when I told him that a dealer had told me that the outputs were not "really" balanced."Hi Jim, The balanced outputs of our products are truly balanced. It is curious to me that ... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
Not to start another flame-fest - but you should check out the NuForce Ref9 V2 SE's. I am using an ARC LS26 with them and they are superb. They will be replacing my Levinson 336. 
How many more years before cd's become passe?
I think they already are... 
ARC LS26 vs Ref 2 Mk 2
No experience with the Ref2 but I have lived with the LS-26 for about 8 months and simply love it. The word "hazy" would not be used in the description of it.Is there any way you can audition one? 
The Best of the Best Well sort of - CD players
I recently sold a Linn Unidisk 1.1 and replaced it with an Esoteric DV-50 and am very happy. I'd say the Linn is a touch more musical at the expense of detail - but the DV-50 is very good.I was not expecting it to be as good as it is for the price... 
Infinity Kappa 8.1 speaker repair-is it worth it?
They are eluding to your amp clipping - which will take out the tweeters. But your carver seems pretty stout to me! 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Well it's official. I will be buying a pair of V2 SE's to replace my 336.As far as a blow-by-blow. I can say that I honestly don't think there is an aspect which the 336 is better than the V2 SE's. Not texture, not speed, not bass, not imaging, no... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Jb -I'll keep updating as I continue to aurition them - but they are no joke and my Levinson has a scared look on it's face. :) 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Jp1208 -Yes I am using the V2 SE's on my 10T's. I have never used a NuForce product before this audition. I must say that I'm very impressed so far.