
Responses from jim_swantko

Help My wife bought me a sub
I'd keep it because the fact that your wife bought it for you, and because it's a great sub.I would pick up a Crown amp and maybe add a Veoldyne SMS-1 down the road... it will give you 1000 times the flexibility/performance that any "built-in" stu... 
Power Conditioning Help Please?
I recently picked up an Audio Magic Stealth - and I too was a doubter of conditioners.Let me tell you that the difference was nothing short of staggering. Night and day.Do a bit of research on the Audio Magic stuff - it's THAT good. 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
I think you should budget as much as you can to get into the speakers you really want. Electronics are easier to buy/sell.A good set of speakers will reveal every improvement you make up-stream too.You can get some GREAT deals on A-gon for some ki... 
Go DirecTV
I recently switched from Time Warner to DTV and I am very happy. The picture quality is far and away superior... audio is too. I am a bit disappointed that my HD/DVR box does not have a coax digital out however.With that said - my ears tell me tha... 
How Much Power is Enough?
I have in-efficient Aerials and recently upgraded from 125wpc Linn to 350wpc Levinson and the difference was staggering.The extra power (and current capacity) tightened up the bass and improved everything else along with it. Micro-details, slam, p... 
Just Saw Alice in Chains
I haven't had a chance to see them yet - but I did see a few performances on TV and I must say I am impressed with the new singer.He had some huge shoes to fill after Lane... but it seems like AIC made a good choice with him.I only hope they can p... 
aerial and salamander
Kenbo - I have one that holds my CC5 - I don't remember the model but I will try to find it for you.Jim 
Levinson turn-on thump... normal??
I determined that using the shorting pin for the balanced inputs will eliminate the thump. I tested my 336 and sure enough with the pins removed I would get the thump... with them in it was quiet.That's what I get for using single-ended inputs I g... 
PRat: a DAC or transport thing?
It's hard to nail it down to one component - but if I had to choose between the transport or the DAC - I'd say the DAC.I came from an all Linn Aktiv system which was nothing but PRaT. I enjoyed it but have since moved on to a mostly non-linn syste... 
Help me chose a new SU B
Another vote for SVS. 
Mark Levinson 434 's enough power for N804???
I'd say get the 336. It's an amazing amplifier... mine is driving a pair of equally power hungry Aerial 10T's.Best purchase I've made (after the 10T's). Just check the serial number and call Levinson - if they haven't had the caps done (assuming t... 
Aerial SW-12 or Von Schwiekert VR-S/3
Another vote for SVS - I just finished tweaking my SVS PB12+/2 with the SMS and now it's just perfect with my 10T's. 
Hall of Fame: BIGGEST BADDEST Monster Amps
For me it would definetly be my Levinson 336. It's quite a step up from my Linn 5125 (which itself is not a bad amp).I love this thing! 
Aerial 10t vs. Aerial 9's
I recently added a Levinson 336 to my system and wow does it make my 10T's sing. They crave big power - and will reward you if you give it to them. :) 
Which processor? Linn, Rotel, Outlaw, Meridian?
Definetly keep the Linn synergy and go with the 5103. Pick up another 5125 amp and buy some Aktiv cards for those Espeks and be prepared to be blown away. :)