
Responses from jim_swantko

Postive or Negative Results -Big Amp & Conditioner
Levinson 336 (350x2) with Audio-Magic Stealth and couldn't be happier.You should give Jerry a call at Audio-Magic before you make a decision. He can customize an outlet on their conditioners specifically for large current amps.Good luckJim 
From Bryston to Pass X250.5 ?
In my experience the Pass is MUCH better in the mids and treble - much smoother to my ears. Excellent bass too - maybe not quite as good as the Bryston - but I'll take that trade any day.The Pass X.5 series is very impressive. 
Aerial 10T / Levinson 336
Thanks Paul - you are not the only one to recommend Transparent. :)I am quite smitten with the 10T/336 combo - esp now that the caps have been replaced. 
looking for a nice small home theatre set up
Linn unidisk SC CD/DVD/SACD/DVD-A player and 5.1 pre-amp in one box. Add a 5-channel amp and you're done.I have one and am very impressed with it. 
What are these "SUPERBIT" DVD's?
I have "Blackhawk Down" on Superbit and it's pretty amazing.I do plan on picking up more as I come across them (and the movies are good). 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
I tried the Levinson 432 and found the 336 to be much much better to my ears (eventhough the 432 is rated at 50W more power). I was honestly un-impressed with all the 4xx series that I listened to (I heard all the current 2-channel 4xx's). I would... 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
I was listening to Metallica and Tool last night - and my system does a great job with it. I'm using Aerial 10T's and a Levinson 336 amp.Tool has lots of very low freq information - so you want a speaker that can go low - and you will need an amp ... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
Haha - classic! 
levinson 336
Call Jaime at Levinson. He can tell you what the "maximum" cost will be - in my case it was $950. Even if every component is dead they will rebuild it to good as new for the max.I'm not sure if your 334 will be the same - but I am still amazed at ... 
levinson 336
I recently sent my 336 in for a tune-up - several caps and a handful of resistors were changed.I must say that it's made a huge improvement over an already great amplifier.I did have it up for sale - but now I honestly don't think I can part with ... 
What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?
I had a full Linn setup like you - and tried to insert a few non-Linn components in and always found that it took away from the overall presentation.Linn is one of those manufacturers whose equipment really does sound better if you stay in-house. ... 
Spectral DMA 360 hum
What preamp and cables are you using?Spectrals are VERY sensitive and Spectral pre's and MIT cables are almost mandatory. 
Suggestions for a conditioner/surge protector?
I use to be a cynic when it came to conditioners too - but let me tell you this.When I plugged in my Audio-Magic Stealth conditioner (in place of my panamax 1000+) - the changes were far from subtle... for about $400 used It's easily the cheapest ... 
The Outlaw ruins X-mas
I agree - it looks like they just dropped the ball and should step up and make it right.Maybe you should cancel your order and give your business to another company. That is the best way to show your unhappiness. 
Help My wife bought me a sub
I'd give SVS a call (e-mail actually) and see what they recommend. They are very good guys to work with.Jim