

Responses from jfrech

Flipping the LP over ...
I turn it off. 2 reasons, use a clamp with my sme and the platter mat is fairly hard, so I don't want a scratch some where... 
Record sleeves?
I just got a 100 nitty gritty sleves from music direct. pretty cheap. paper outside, plastic liner. Looks like what classic records uses. I have a lot of the vrp sleeves...but I don't think they do much for static. After that, the plastic touching... 
BAT VK50SE vs. ARC Ref 1
Sorry I can't directly answer your question. I am a happy BAT owner. I will say that matching and balance is very inportant. Either of these 2 preamps seriously out class your current sources. These preamps can't make the sound be better than what... 
Best table & arm combo for $10K
I heard the clearaudio's next to the SME 10. I Liked the sme better, blacker background, more dynamics, stonger bass foundation. Then I bought the sme 20 with iv.vi arm. The 20 is a order or magnitude quieter. The better arm helps really in all ar... 
Next upgrade for vinyl rookie
I'd say buy a used vpi 16.5 cleaning machine. That's a ugrade that you will forever keep. It's a big step up in sound quality.Then upgrade your table down the road... 
MC Cart. - Frequency of De-Magnitization/Best Way?
Several opinions here. I use the cardas sweep record. About every 1-2 weeks. It helps and it's a cheap way to go, about $29. Also, ultrasonically cleans the sylus. That part you can see the junk falling off, and my records are pretty clean to star... 
Help... upgrading to front projector
The perfect vision has a projector comparison and top picks in the jan/feb issue. just got it last night. Price has a lot do with your choices...CRT best, DLP next, LCD at the end. However the Sony LCD'are really good. Don't dismiss them just on t... 
SME 309 VDH tonearm cable replacement
The cardas and kimbers aren't that high. The Hovland is. You're going to have to spend $200-300+ to better significantly what you have. Forgot to mention Graham, which is what I'm using now. All of these can be found used occasionally. 
SME 309 VDH tonearm cable replacement
The junction box works, but adds more breaks in the signal. Not all rca cables are appropriate for phono signals which are low in voltage. I recently upgraded my sme iv.vi arm cable which was a vdh. I got the graham ic50. Big step up. wow, more de... 
HELP: I need a solid state amp with a tube sound
The Bat VK200 and vk500 are good choices. Bat's tube amps auto bias...so zilch on maintenace. Bad/old tube is plug and play. The VK60 can't be beat really for under 2K 
Thinking about new cartridge
.5 is enough for the P5. So the Lyra Helikon will work just fine. I've used that combination. Have a vkp10 now.Sorry, I can't comment on the other cartridges for sound quality...other then it's a good list. 
OL Silver , Shelter 501- Looking for phonostage ?
With your preamp, I'd strongly consider a BAT vkp5. I used to own one, now have a p10. That P5 was great and can be found for around 1k used. xlr outs. The xlr will help some...but the better phono stage is a bigger payoff than the xlr outs. With ... 
TransParent Cables vs. Others
I use and love transparent refernce. I think they are they best you can get for the $$'s. With that said, cable are one of the most subjective things you have to wonder about. What sounds great to me and my set up may sound bad in yours. You have ... 
How Often Do You Listen To Live Music??
Live unamplified music? Not much...symphony here or there or a jazz band. Rock about once a quarter...Best the last year or so? Paul McCartney...3rd row seats. wow what a show.Lenny Kravitz was fun...5th row. 8th row to see Elton John and Billy Jo... 
Where can I find Turtle Reference CD's -Web-Site?
Are you looking for Turtle Creek Choral? Try http://www.referencerecordings.com/ Not sure if this is what you're after...