

Responses from jfrech

Is Lyra Helikon too analytical?
I haven't heard of a hp downgrade. He's lushed over it for 2 years now. Lyra does have a new cartridge out, the titan, suppposed to be all/more the detail of the helikon with more warmth. It's pricey around $4500. I have a good friend who used the... 
Aesthetix Saturn Series?
No, but I heard the Rhea phono stage. Pretty darn good next to my bat vkp10se. much better detail, bigger stage, more defined bass... 
BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..
If a output tube fuse is blown, it will work, and it will increase the hum considerably. Also a channel should have less power-like 1/2. If one in each channel is blown, it will still have balanced sound-but with lot's of noise and basically sound... 
BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..
you didn't buy the wrong amp...that's one of the best. somethings up...bad tube, bad component...ground loop... 
BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..
how loud is the buzz, on my 75se I have it, but much past 2-3 feet away I can't hear it....low level...I'd call BAT...post what you find out please. Thanks 
Aesthetix Question
The P10SE update is a major revision. I did it about a year ago. Much bigger stage, more depth, more quiet background which brings out the decays and details. The bass and richness of the sound is really a big step forward from the p10. For 2k, it... 
Aesthetix Question
I've been wanting to take my BAT VKp10se over to Albert's house to compare to his IO Sig. I did listen to a Aesthetix Rhea in my system vs the BAT phono. The Rhea was quieter, better detail, the bat better decays, fuller images, more guts I'd say.... 
transparent reference balanced vs. reference xl ba
I own all transparent ref with xl. I've heard the nex step up and you can definately hear it. Also, Transparent has a new line up. You can tell it becuase it has rounded sculpted network boxes, not rectangles. It's really a big improvement, not th... 
How can I safely remove Optrix from my CDs?
mshan, if you find out, let me know. I have about 150 cd's with the same clouding from optrix... 
Please evaluate the Lyra Helicon phono cartridge
The simple answer is it's one of the best value's in a top end cartridge. Excellent all around. A little finicky on setup. I love mine.... 
Can you warm up your tube amp ...
I thought tube amps need a load on the speaker terminals, w/o it can cause harm. I am NOT a expert here.... 
Phono interconnect recommendation?
I've tried 3 cables. The Vandenhel, the Graham IC50 and now the Hovland series 2. The Hovland did it for best for me. The graham was a little lighter in tonal balance, but great detail still and great bass. The vandenhul was the bottom of the list. 
Can the BAT VK - 150SE's Drive B&W 803's?
Well, it's sensitive. Right now, I have it on DH Jumbo cones and squares on a home made amp stand. I've had it on symposium rollerblocks, big improvement, but the rollerblocks make a bigger dif. on my bat phono stage. I'll likely try a Symposium s... 
Can the BAT VK - 150SE's Drive B&W 803's?
I have a VK75SE driving Wilsons watt puppy 6's. drive the heck out of them. I know your B&w's are not as effecicent, but I 2nd the comment above.However, I don't think the VK75SE is bright. It's pretty nuetral for a tube amp. Very solid bass, ... 
What's under YOUR turntable?
symposium point pods and a arcici suspense rack. SME 20/2 table. Those point pods make a amazing improvement!