

Responses from jfrech

Moving coil cartridge advice needed
I tried the Lydian Beta with a wilson benech full circle and act.5 unipivot arm. Fiddled with it forever, couldn't figure out the sound. Tried the cart. on a friends Rega p25 with rb600 and wow. I kept the cartrige, got rid of the table. So, I'll ... 
Match the phono-pre to cart., or arm?
I'd say the more critical match on phone pre is to the cart, not the arm. This is a pure guess on my part but seems to make sense being those 2 need to electrically interface, the arm is never hooked up to the phono stage...The cartrige does howev... 
Wyetech, thoughts comments on amp.
Try a search here on the WP 6's. Several long threads on amp choices. Don't know you're price range, but the BAT vk75se/150se should be on the list, the Tenors, and maybe a few solid state amps.What's the rest of your system? digital or analog sou... 
What percentage do you spend on each component?
This happened completely by accident...no thought given upfront...Turntable, Cart, Phono pre=22%CD=6%Preamp=12%Amp=7%Speakers=29%Cables, PC's, Power Cond=25% 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
jc audio replied that he will cook your cables for a small fee. Maybe try it, and if you like buy??? 
Robert Cray like sound
Terry Evans puttin it down is pretty good. The XRCD version is stunning... 
Do new tubes undergo break-in like other devices?
Ok...here is what I heard...less than 30 hours on the tubes...These are awesome sounding, and in the right system, you'll love em. If you are looking for more air, detail, quietness, these will do it for you. The bass was a little less for me, and... 
Looking for a great tube headphone amp
The earmax pro should be on your short list. New for around $750 I think. It can drive both Grado's and Sennheisers.Also, I've seen some used Stax for around $1000, that have a tube amp. Depends what kind of music and what sound you like as to whi... 
What gear do Audio manufacturers use at home?
Ok, this comes from David Wilson at a dealer party in Dallas a few months ago. In one room he was using Audio Research Ref pre and amps. Another room Mcintosh. Another room Nagra pre and amp. He has 8 rooms in his house with systems. He was also v... 
Suggestions for a DAC
That Meridian is a good unit. Can you update that to a 508.24? You might get more bang for the buck. Plus you don't have to buy a digital cable and another power cord...just a thought... 
Review: Transparent Music Wave Super Speaker cable
Glad to hear it. I love my Transparent cable. A lot of this is system/listener dependent. Glad it worked for you! 
Do new tubes undergo break-in like other devices?
I was using some early russian 6sn7's bought from upscale audio. The positively smoked the stock sovteks from the start. I do have about 1.5 years on the russians...Sounds like a little patience is in order here. Thanks for the info! 
Subs for Audio Physic Virgos....
The audiophysic subs will give you the best shot at integration. great match... 
What is the next Phono Pre-Amp for me?
What's the rest of your system? Are you sure the ph3se is the weak link? Only a handful will best that one. Some to consider (in addition to yours & your choices) is the BAT VKp10 and VKP10SE, the ARC Ref Phono, Aesthetix, Manley Steelhead, an... 
replacing tubes on amp.
I'm guessing this is a vk60 or vk75. The front two 6sn7's are the most critical. If you are strapped for a little cash, then replace these two first. They also need to be very low noise, preamp grade types of tubes. Replacing all the tubes makes a...