

Responses from jfrech

Clean Your Cables???
Nordost makes a spray to do this. ECO 3 I think. Used to work well on my Cardas cables...doesn't do much for my transparent now... 
Digital vs. Analog Volume Control
Do a search on Wadia or DCS. Lot's of digital vs analog volume control discussions related to those products.Hope that helps 
What makes certain cd players better than others?
how the process all those digits and then how they amplify the signal. I'm sure someone will have a much more in depth comment, but it'll likely be the same when boiled down.Ever see a digital camera image when blown up? start seeing those pixels?... 
Help: low Maintenance Tube Amp short list.
The Bat amps are among the simplist to operate of all. The 4 main power tubes (the big ones) are on a auto bais circuit. Plug and play. a green led tells you everything is ok. The other tubes do not require adjustment. About the only thing you'll ... 
Preamp Options-Classe,Muse,SF,BAT,Adcom
The BAT offers HT pass thru via a unity gain setting on one of the inputs. Very easy to set up. (on the VK20,30,40,50 and se versions) I have a Muse 9 sig going into a BAT VK50SE and BAT VK75SE. Great match. With your vk500, you outa check it out.... 
VPI HR-X vs SME 20
I have a SME 20/2a with SME IV.Vi arm. It's just about perfect in everyway. If you want a different sound, change the cartridge, the table/arm is very neutral and will absolutely show you anything a cartrige has to offer. I'm sure the VPI is great... 
How many weeks of income did your sys. cost?
about 6 months. More than the engagement ring. Which, btw I just got back. Maybe I had things reversed?Anyway, I still love my system! 
Train "Drops of Jupiter" bad recording?
It's better than most pop recordings. 
Anyone ever heard of the Shunyata and Cardas
shunyata is mostly known for their killer ac cords and power conditioner. That's where they made their name and recently have branched out in to speaker cables and interconnects.Cardas is a very well known, very well respected speaker and intercon... 
Room setup with watt puppy 6
My 6's are in a 15 x 17 room. Dealer did it in an hour. Bottom line is they are great speaker even out of position some. Perfect is just that much better. The owners manual with the wp's is pretty good guide.I don't think this is something to cons... 
bat or c-j
The newer bat gear is a little more nuetral sounding than in the past. If this is what you're looking for, then yes. Also, the BAT is balanced where the CJ is not. The BAT will perform slightly better usually with balanced interconnects.In the end... 
dCS Delius vs. Elgar Plus DAC
I had a delius and a elgar at home about a year ago. not the plus versions with SACD. similar sound, just the elgar is more refined, more detail, slight better imaging, etc. I actually ditched the whole digital thing and with with a top notch viny... 
Speaker for B.A.T vk-60?
2nd the audio physic Virgo reccommendation. Buy one of the Audio physic subs if you don't think there is enough deep bass. And still say under 5k. I never had a issue with my VK60 driving my Virgo's. Had that combo for 3 years. 
Ok this will be a good thread.
oops meant to say...good bottle of wine and hot babe...who cares about the rest! 
Ok this will be a good thread.
who cares about the rest!