

Responses from jfrech

Good web sites for buying vinyl "on-line" ?
here's some more...audiophileusa.comamusicdirect.comelusivedisc.com 
Recommendation from dCS gear owners
I'm using my bat vk50se with a 25ft run of Trans Ref xl xlr's to the bat vk75se. Works great for me. I also have had it with just 1 meter of the Trans ref xf between amp and pre. No diff on the 25ft run. KF...I have no exper w/ digital preamps oth... 
Recommendation from dCS gear owners
Ok, I just sold a Delius. Have a BAT vk50se. I hear the 51se is better. Anyway, the 50se ain't bad. I am running a BAT VK75SE and Wilson wp6's. Here is my opinion. The Delius running straight to the amps at near full volume is pretty amazing. The ... 
Criminy, I've reached 300 threads
Guess I'm a rookie at 307... 
Best speakers match for BAT VK75 SE
I'd put the Wilson Sophia and the audio physic Virgo's and avanti's on the list. I'm using Watt/Puppy 6's with my 75se but they might be to much for your room. If the room works then...wp6's top choice. 
Subwoofer for Audio Physic Virgos........
I owned a pair of virgos for years and sold them a year or so ago. Went for the wilson wp6's. Anyway, you're right the virgos are a steal and really the best thing going under 15K or so. I have heard them with the AP subs. I think you need to stic... 
Best CD sound from a DVD player
The Muse 9 signature is great. I have one. CD sound is just a step below the great one box players like the Wadia's, ML 390, Electrocompanient etc... 
Cleaning vinyl - am I using this thing right???
I think most of the mail order places carry the zerostat. Amusicdirect.com, audioadvisor.com and others... 
Various Wadia players.. can someone order them
He could be right, or at least close to it. Wadia does/did have a habit of upgrades keeping things relatively close. Calling a 3rd party like Great Northern Sound or Wadia might give you the correct answer. 
Long wall vs, short wall
I could be wrong on this...but my dealer used to stock the SC-IV's. He said Dunlavy's prefer the long wall. Placement is critical with any speaker of this caliber. You might short change yourself...maybe find a better speaker/room match. Those SC-... 
What is your most beautiful component?
One of these certainly wins the prize...both make my heart beat...albeit in different ways. 
BAT VK-30SE upgrade to 31 SE?
There is a thread on Audioasylum under the tubes section for the 50-51se. The guy said his 51se update was amazing... 
Circuit Breaker for Dedicated Lines
I posted something along the same thought about 6 months ago. Someone answered it was against the electrical code to use a different brand of braker from the panel.I just had to think that if the outlets make a diff so should the brakers...but I g... 
Any George Winston fans to make suggestions?
How about vinyl. December. 
How much better are the Classic 45 rpm vs 33 LPs?
thanks everyone !!