

Responses from jfrech

Do BAT preamps run HOT?
Yes. All BAT gear runs pretty hot. My VK 51SE is the same...So, how does the 52SE sound??? 
Balanced in phono stages preamp?
Jeff_jones:I've heard from others that some people do like the SE ended inputs better if you are using the transformer step ups. I'm curious if you are? Also, are you using the single ended outputs or balanced out to your preamp...I am not challen... 
Balanced in phono stages preamp?
Several phono stages do balanced in. Ayre, Aesthetix Io, BAT are a few. I have a BAT VK P10SE super pak and have tried it with a din to rca and a din to XLR. The XLR input lowers the noise floor some and details pop out a little more.I think it re... 
Amps for WP7
I've ran a BAT VK75SE will wonderful sound for several years. Just added a 2nd VK75SE, converted both to mono. WOW.I have WP 6's.What's the rest of your system? Matching is important.... 
Are turntable interconnects different??
Transparent does make phono interconnects, and they used to drop the networks on those models. (Several years ago in the XL series...I don't know if they still do in the mm series) My Purist Audio Designs Venustas Phono is visibly smaller in diame... 
Truely Balanced Pre Amps
Video for Movie Room
I have a Sony VPL VW 100 LCD projector. I've seen them on Audiogon for +/- $1500. New I paid $7500 years ago. If you have some type of window covering...like blinds etc. It'll look fine, not it's best, but sufficient. I have mine zoomed out to 100... 
Anyone compared Critical Mass and Finite Elemente?
I just purchased a Finite Element Master Reference, plus 1 set of Cerebases (under the stand) and 2 sets of Cerapucs.I rec'd it from my dealer on Sunday afternoon. Just before the 3 day ice storm.He also carries the Grand Prix and did say he liked... 
Cartridge upgrade for SME 20/2A???
Peterayer: very nice system!Esoxhntr: I think your first move is a tonearm cable. You may have to pay a little here. A Hovland Music Groove II, Graham IC 50 (or ic 70) are both reasonable $$ choices. I'm sure there are others but those I've owned.... 
Cartridge upgrade for SME 20/2A???
Koetsu...I have 2 friends who both have Jade Platinums. That's a killer cartridge. I've also heard the Rosewood Signature Platinum in those same two systems. They are great...I'd take my Skala over the RSP. The Jade I think bests it...for another ... 
Cartridge upgrade for SME 20/2A???
Ok, here goes my reply. I can't comment on your electronics, I haven't heard them, but if the phono stage is a weak point, I'd have to agree that it and the arm cable maybe the bigger areas to hit first.Also, on your SME 20/2a, I've had big result... 
Cartridge upgrade for SME 20/2A???
Hi, I have the same table/arm.I agree with your assessment on the stock arm cable.Before I answer, can you tell me a little what you're looking for sound wise? I saw your posted system-nice :) !Thanks 
Review: Lyra Skala Cartridge
Hi, I can't answer this. I'd send a note to Immediasound.com the Lyra importer for the US. If you overseas..then there is a link there for Lyra.Good luck 
what would cause a laser to mark CD's with circles
I had this happen...but more circles than you...it was a little spring that had sprung on the transport...as the sled moved across the disc was scratched... 
better tonearm for SME 20/2
You're not going to go wrong with any of these combo's. I will say if you go with the SME arm (I have a 20/2, IV.Vi, Lyra Skala) I think a arm cable is a must. With your Ayre, I think going balanced is a must (din to xlr). I love my Purist Venesta...