

Responses from jfrech

dedicated outlet cost
I got 4 dedicate lines, 20 amp, on a isolated ground. The electrician dug two pretty deep holes to put the grounding plates in. I live in Austin,and bedrock is about 2ft from the surface, so grounding rods don't really apply. Plus 4 porter ports..... 
Wilson WP 6 vs 7 for home theater
I have 6's, with the updated 7 tweeters. I think you can get these from a dealer for about $1200-$1500. Not exactly sure. But they really improve the top end of the 6's. So that closes the gap somewhat on the 7's. Then you still have cash left ove... 
How to best isolate TT from vibration?
Assuming your on a 2nd floor or something similar?Sometimes a Wall mounted shelf works best for foot fall induced skipping. Also, if there is any way to put a jack under the floor joists, directly under the table that can help. Not sure if you can... 
Purist, Legenburg or K-S?
Hi Khrys, I have WP 6.0's. In the last 4 years that I've owned, I've gone from Cardas Golden Ref inc and speaker cable to all Transparent Ref w XL Inct and speaker and have now settled on Purist. I have a mixture of Purist Venestas and Opis Interc... 
Has any body heard the Lyra SKALA?
Option3, wonderful. Here's a review I posted...http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ranlg&1156080228&openusid&zzJfrech&4&5#JfrechI really liked this move in my system. Good luck ! 
Balanced or single ended leads from your arm.
George a: thanks for the update. I know when I went from a RCA input to XLR it improved-rather marked...not subtle. Anyway...thanks and good luck all. 
Balanced or single ended leads from your arm.
dgarretson: Are you sure BAT said that? Must have been a reason. I have a all BAT system and they recommended balanced into my BAT VKP10SE-ditto my dealer. Since I've upgraded to the Superpak version...I heard it was a increase in signal by 6 db. ... 
Balanced or single ended leads from your arm.
Hi, I really can't add any more input to the above posters other than I have had very similar experiences. My BAT VKP10SE Superpak has both RCA and XLR inputs. The XLR's yield a little more gain, lower noise floor. The result is that the imaging a... 
BAT VK60 Tube Rolling
I used to own a vk 60. (now a vk75SE) I can't specifically answer your detailed question. I can say the front two input tubes (the 6sn7's alone vs in the row of 6) are by far the most critical and will give you 70-80% of the sound change vs changi... 
BAT VK 75SE vs 150SE's or maybe a VK600SE?
Hi, I had a 31se on loan while my 50 was getting updated to 51se status. The difference on the phono stage will be similar. The 51SE is a good step up from the 31se...nothing goes backwards...Just remember, a new 51se will take 100-200 hours befor... 
Austin, TX
I am moving to Austin from Dallas. Next week. I'd like to join. My system is just a little fun to listen to :).I'll send you a email to the above address.Thanks 
Review: Lyra Skala Cartridge
Hard to say if it's the plastic. Maybe it absorbs some resonances...maybe it tranmits vibs better. Anyway, I'm listening to it now. It's really is a wonderful cartridge.It's the warmth that's different. I've owned a lydian b and a helicon. Both we... 
BAT VK-51 SE or McIntosh C200?
I own a BAT 51SE. I had a 31SE in my system while my 50SE got upgraded to a 51SE.The 51SE is more extended airy on both extremes. music flows with more ease. more demensional.if you liked the 31se, and only complaint was high end extension, my opi... 
Wilson Puppy top lugs instead of bottom lugs
It is ok to connect only to the Watt and skip puppy. I've done this while one of my puppy's was in for repair. The xover for the mid/high is in the Watt. Wilson and my deal said all was ok.The Watt is designed for standalone use...just everyone se... 
Transparent Phono Cable
Transparent does have dedicated phono interconnects...special order type of thing...the hum may have been a grounding issue not really a cable issue...