

Responses from jfrech

Have I finally lost my mind?
Yes, you've lost your mind. But so have most of us as well. Static seems to effect these cd's a lot, I wonder if the writing/labels colors change how much static is messing/changing things up. Add this to your imbalances and vinyl is not such a pain! 
help on balanced control.
Hey, it is very likly not the boards, but a tube or a fuse. Turn the amp sideways, and look underneath the tube/light that is out. There is a fuse holder under each output (large)tube. Change the fuse. If you don't have a extra, go to radioshack a... 
Any problems selling equipment outside of USA?
I've shipped several things to Canada. Both times we used paypal. It was easier to ship via USPO than fed ex, less paperwork. Everything went fine for me... 
Calling BAT amp/preamp owner
Ditto for me. I have a vk60 and vk50se. It's very noticable, but not loud enought to damage a speaker imo. I've heard about this from others as well. 
Pre-amp questions for SCD-1 & EMC-1
With your equipment, I'd put a VK50SE on your audition list. Also, some of the ARC preamps. I'm sure there are some other balanced preamps that you should consider. The BAT will be a big step up imo. 
Magnepan..the sun rises and sets on..or does it??
I used to own a pair of 104/2's. Great speaker in their day. The maggies are a pretty different sound. If you love bass, you might want to add a sub to the mix. very carefully match it though. If you value imaging, depth, etc...you'll love the mag... 
Pre-amp questions for SCD-1 & EMC-1
Are you looking to steer the sound in any particular direction? I'd consider adding a tube preamp to the mix. Tubes generally add a little more air, life, into things vs SS. I'm familiar with BAT. Should be a good match for you. Anywhere from a vk... 
Maggie 3.6 amplification concern
Tireguy, I have a single VK60 driving a pair of Watt/Puppy 6's. Most the of magazines say the WP's really come to life with big solid state amps. That single vk60 sounds pretty darn good to me. The old saying the tube watts are a little different ... 
How did you get started?
I was in 2nd grade, got a 8track boom box-not stereo back then, and wired and 2nd speaker to it for "stereo"That was my cheapest system...unfortunately...I took a job in highschool helping keep clean a stereo store. That hooked me. My first real s... 
How to improve the sound of VTL2.5?
Sounds like a change of tubes, cables, powercords, or isolation support is the routes you have. What speciffically is bugging you and whats the rest of your system? 
Pass x250 and BAT vk 40
I have a BAT VK50se. It's uses the same remote as your preamp. It doesn't have any switching ability. Maybe someone will help with another idea... 
Power cord from speaker cables?
Please contact Cardas, and maybe they should do it. Don't want to violate any electrical codes and fry you, your equipment or your house. 
Isolation methods for your VK50SE preamp
I've tried several things on my 50se. DH Cones, Bright Star air bladders, Symposium Rollerblocks and now a Arcici Suspense rack. Rollerblocks seems to do the most for transaparency and dynamics IMO.Have you tried power cords yet? What about dedica... 
What are you supporting your Shunyata Hydra on?
I have mine on the bottom shelf of my Arcici suspense rack. then it's sitting on 3 dh cones and footers. Just more...real similar to what cones do for a cd player...tightens up the bass a little, more air. 
Opinion on Audio Physics Virgos In small room
They are not difficult, just they are capable of so much. I've read lot's of stuff on the virgo's in the nearfield. If you can put them way out into the room, I bet they'd sound awesome, especially, with your ARC tubes. What you're are asking for ...