
Responses from jburidan

HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim
Pbredi, please tell us how this turns out. 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
Hi Kinhoang: The tweeter should be at ear level when you are in your listening chair. My custom Sound Anchor stands are adjustable. Some of the bass boominess is sure to disappear after you lift the speakers off the floor. But you may still have t... 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
You're welcome, Kinhoang. I bought a pair of speaker stands from Sound Anchors. The proprietor has a set of 215 DMT drawings, and he makes sturdy custom stands for the 215s. Mine are mounted vertically with bass drivers on the bottom and port hole... 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
No problem. I drive mine with Art Audio Jota HC monoblocks with 22-24 watts per channel depending on choice of output tubes. Bass response is superb. With 100 tube-watts per channel, these speakers will blow out your eardrums before they ever clip... 
HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim
Would anyone be surprised if Fedex, UPS, etc., trained workers to mishandle parcels unless they were packaged by the parent company?Are these strategies dreamed up by Harvard, Stanford, etc., MBAs to maximize profits? And their own executive salar... 
Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?
Agree with Kentaja's comments about track record. Plus, the Chinese stuff is made with slave labor, and the mark-up must be enormous. 
HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim
AFAIK, in small claims neither side can have an attorney. Theoretically, this puts you on even footing with the giant multinational corporation. 
Acceptable level of hum at max volume?
My system is dead quiet, but have had hum from a bad tube. I find any level of hum to be unacceptable. 
Acceptable level of hum at max volume?
My system is dead quiet, but have had hum from a bad tube. I find any level of hum to be unacceptable. 
Where did you go after Harbeth?
Tannoy 15" Dual Concentric with 300B SET amp, e.g., Art Audio Jota or Wavelength Audio Triton Signature. The large Tannoys have a doped-paper 15" driver which sounds better than plastic driver in many smaller Tannoys. For the best of the best, loo... 
HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim
Was the shipment insured? 
Tele CCa Vs, Siemens CCa
The Telefunkens CCa is too bright on top for my ears -- too much treble energy -- but this finding is altogether system-dependent.I have found an inexpensive ECC88 that really sings in my system, i.e., one that was made for Siemens in the Tesla Ro... 
the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?
Your speakers aren't a good match for a 300B SET amp. 
the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?
I agree with Meiwan that you should set your sights on a 300B amp. Among the superior brands are Art Audio, Larry D. Moore, Fi and Wavelength Audio. Many people agree that the Wavelength Cardinal X2 is superb. 
Best interconnect between pre-amp and CD player??
Look for Ohno Continuous Cast (OCC) copper or silver, Teflon dielectric and copper/silver plugs.Avoid ICs made of OFC metal. Avoid plugs made of brass.The brand name is not important.