
Responses from jburidan

Looking to replace Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference
Silver/teflon, e.g., AZ Silver Ref II or DH Labs Silver Revelation. 
Neotech cables
I use Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II and Atlas Titan ICs. 
Amp recommendations for Tannoy Canterbury SE
Art Audio Jota 
Interconnects and power cables same manufacterer
Marketing ploy par excellence, IMHO. 
I test outlets by hand: Which eletrocution feels smoother?BBzzzzzzzzztBzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttt? 
6Moons.com vs. Stereo Times
6Moons is unreadable, IMHO. 
Canary Audio Preapms
I have the C900 dual monoblock four-chassis preamp. My comments:Parts are high quality. Can be used for biamping (both RCA outs are active).Allows for fine tuning of channel balance.Channel separation is infinite. 
Any Tannoy dealer in Seattle or Bellevue WA
Ask Tannoy, N.A., in Chatham, Ontario. 
Tannoy vs Klipsch
Klipsch made my eardrums bleed. Agree with Mechans -- I prefer Tannoy. 
Cable Recommendations
Ohno Continuous Cast (OCC) copper or silver wire, teflon dielectric, good connectors, i.e., no brass content. The product name isn't important. What's in it is important.Note: OCC = single crystal, just another name for it. 
$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please
Canary C900 
Tube recommendations for AES AE-3 Preamp
Make sure they are quiet. Many of the preamp tubes for sale in cyberspace are noisy. 
Tannoy Differences
I'd get the Turnberry -- less expensive than Kensington, and larger than the DC8T. But the DC8T is the best looking of the lot, IMHO. Bottom line: you can't go wrong with any of these choices. Tannoy is the El Primo speaker company in the world, IME. 
Tannoy Differences
Those three models have doped-paper cones, which sound much better than Tannoys with plastic cones. What are the room dimensions? 
Looking for opinions on Tannoy Prestige line.
Gwng8: Note that the DC8 is rear-ported, so you'll need some space to position the speakers away from the wall, but they seem like fine speakers. They need lots of break-in time.