
Responses from jburidan

full range single speaker
Suggest you read about the Tannoy Definition DC8 which has an eight inch dual concentric driver and superb crossover. I prefer dual concentric to single driver. 
Have You Tried Cabledyne Interconnects?
It will be interesting to learn how the dielectric sounds compared to FEP Teflon, and whether the connectors are brass. 
Cable Upgrade: Too much transparency
It's possible that what you're hearing is distortion caused by stacking of low quality materials in the product, e.g., PSC wire, polyethylene primary dielectric, etc. I wouldn't have these in my system.If you can't live with the sound, recommend y... 
Speaker placement question-
Adding to Rrog above, also depends if rear-ported, front-ported or sealed. 
Tube amp rough guidance sought
"I've come to the opinion that the 2.1 setup needs to be fairly loud..."IME, your statement is true only because you have B&W speakers which always have sounded mediocre to me. Before going further: What size is your listening room? 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
Kinhoang, your room size is large enough for the Tannoys to breathe. If you don't already own the Cary 2A3, you might think about the Wavelength Audio 2A3 monoblocks that are (or recently were) for sale here. I don't know the seller, and I haven't... 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
Kinhoang: What are the dimensions of your listening room? There shouldn't be a problem with too much bass, unless the room is small, speakers are too close to room boundaries or crossover caps have been modified from the original design. 
Art Audio Carissa Signature 845 or 300 b amp?
Capeman: Agreed the Jota has plenty of drive for the Dalis, but it would be rare to find a used Jota for $4,000. They go for $5,000 - $6,000 depending, e.g., on condition and whether stereo or monoblock. 
Art Audio Carissa Signature 845 or 300 b amp?
Agree with those who stated that 300B SET is for efficient speakers, not for the Dali. But I would not get a 300B push-pull amp. Use the Jadis, or acquire efficient speakers that will mate well with a 300B SET. 
Can Music Reference MR9 drive Tannoy DMT 215 II
Agree with Charles1dad. My Jotas are wired for 8 ohms, and the system sounds great. But try both, if you can, and trust your ears. 
Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
Tomcy6: You're absolutely correct. Apologies for being a snob. I'm just so impressed by the 15" Tannoy DC that everything else seems a rung or two lower. But each listener is different. 
Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
I haven't heard the Glenairs. But as a rule, Tannoy 15" dual concentrics (DCs) are among the most coherent speakers made. My choice would be Tannoy.I can only imagine how incoherent the 3.5-way Dalis must sound, since the design is technically inf... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Barrysandy: Please explain the rationale for using caps or inductors on IC and speaker cable. I will doubt the merits of this until I understand the theory behind it. Then, maybe I'll try it :)Thanks in advance,Jay 
Art Audio Carissa Signature 845 or 300 b amp?
IMHO, the 300B tube is more subtle and refined than the 845 tube. Used Wavelength Cardinal monoblocks would be in your stated price range. The Cardinal is an exceptionally good amp in most everyone's estimation. 
French Speakers?
Separate or they'll start humping