
Responses from jburidan

what is the best amp you've ever heard
Art Audio Jota and Wavelength Triton Blue. 
Tannoy Glenair 15?
Buy them. You can't go wrong with Tannoy 15" DC. 
Bass and Bass Traps
Corning 6 PCF rigid fiberglass boards on ceiling and walls at first reflection points worked for me. My ceiling panel is 48" x 48" x 4" (LxWxD) with a 2" air pocket behind. Same for the walls. The bass is very nice. Everything else, as well. 
Best audio purchase of 2011
Room absorbers and diffusers 
Magnepan 3.6, 3.7 or Tannoy Westminister SE
I'd go with Tannoy and a high-current SET, e.g., Art Audio Jota HC. 
Speaker recommendation
Do you have acoustic treatments, i.e., absorbers and diffusers? Including ceiling? 
Experience with Acoutic Zen, PAD and Furutech
I'll take Acoustic Zen any day of the week 
Hissing sound coming from tweeters
My Tannoys are hissing since I changed preamps. The Cary SLP-05 was quiet, but the new preamp is very noisy. I won't mention the product, because the designer has promised to address the issue. 
Equipment you just must get if you can
Tannoy Kingdom Royal is way out of reach for me, but having a pair would be my dream come true. 
RE: Shipment Stopped by US Customs
Sounds like Fedex will extort some money out of you. 
Arts Audio Joto
The Jota is a wonderful amp. 
SET sound without a lot of money
Cayin A-300B 
Wow, everything posted for sale is ''light use''??
It seems to be a law of the universe that all tubes have 200 hours on them. 
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range
Infinity Prelude MTS 
Neotech NEI-3001 vs Harmonic Tech Magic Mk 1 IC's
I have the impression that Neotech makes most of the single-crystal OCC cable used in high-end ICs and speaker cables, e.g., it looks like my Atlas ICs are Neotech right off the spool with plain-jane outer jacket. I love Acoustic Zen cables, and m...