
Responses from jburidan

What component is responsible for dynamics ?
Preamp, amp and speakers 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Tortured logic. But you guys think you own this thread. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Why don't you guys get a room? Instead of polluting this capacitor log? 
Cary SLP98 + Rocket 88R F1 vs SLI80
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Thanks, Volleyguy 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Was this thread supposed to be about capacitors? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The output impedance of my Canary tube preamp is 1,200 ohms. The input impedance of my Art Audio Jota HC amp is 220,000 ohms. The ratio is 183 to 1. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Thanks, Michaelvv 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
What caps should one use in a Cary SLP-05 preamp? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Undertow:I got a good price courtesy of David Garretson on a custom set of 16 x 25uF ClarityCap MR caps that are being made now at the factory. I priced-out the Duelund VSF and CAST versions, and found them to be staggeringly more expensive than t... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I'm going to use 8 x 25uF ClarityCap MR caps in lieu of one 200uF Solen cap in the band-pass filter of my Tannoy 215 DMT ii crossover. I understand that this will result in lower ESR which will be audible as loudness. Are you stating that many cap... 
FM tuners - Are they OBSOLETE ?
I enjoy National Public Radio (NPR). Otherwise, I wouldn't own a tuner. 
Powering Infinity Prelude MTS
Thanks for the update. These are extremely good speakers. It's a shame that Harman quit making them. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
FWIW, Jon L's 'Orgy of Capacitors' now has a review of the ClarityCap MRs -- new since the last time I read his thread. 
Cary SLP-05 users
I prefer the single-ended output.