
Responses from jburidan

Life of a PS Audio PowerPlant??
Bombaywalla, you may be right about the P300. If so, thanks for correcting me. My experience has been with the P500, which sucks. And with the PPP, which is good. 
Life of a PS Audio PowerPlant??
Stevecham, just to clarify: Does the P300 have a fan? 
Dylan's "Tempest" Dylan haters need not reply
Footnote on 'Tempest' song: Wikipedia states that the Titanic left port without binoculars on board, which is why the watchmen in the crow's nest didn't see the iceberg until it was too late to avoid the fatal collision. 
Dylan's "Tempest" Dylan haters need not reply
I like it. Dylan's voice just keeps getting better. Unlike most other American minstrels, he took notice of the 100th anniversary of the Titanic tragedy. Dylan's song 'Tempest' is based on an old verse "The Watchman' by Seth Mize. Both The Carter ... 
Life of a PS Audio PowerPlant??
The PowerPlant to which Tiofelon refers will overheat. That's the main issue with it; and with the P500, as well.They tend to overheat even when not loaded with more watts than recommended, and the cooling circuit tend to fail. That's been my expe... 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
My first choice would be one of the Tannoy Prestige series, if a pair could be found. My second choice would be the Vandersteen 5A. 
Set amps ?
Art Audio Jota High Current (HC) has 24 watts per channel with KR 300BXLS tube, and will drive your speakers with no problem. SET amp sound is magical. 
Speaker cables comparison chart:: Much Needed
Preferred Speaker Cable Chart:1. Wire = OCC = single crystal2. Dielectric = FEP Teflon3. Connectors = OCC = single crystal4. Connector plating = silver or gold, if substrate is copper (Cu). Note 1: Silver wire is brighter than copper wire.Note 2: ... 
What are your general thoughts of B&W speakers
Not my cup of tea 
Anyone heard Cary 303/300 after 400 hours burn-in?
I find that some recordings sound better SS, some with tube buffer; some with upsampling, some without. 
Soundproof material for a dedicated room
Roxul Safe-and-Sound behind drywall will work well. In the space between studs. See if there's a place called Acoustical Distributors International (ADI) in your area. They will advise you on how to install without glue. 
Anyone heard Cary 303/300 after 400 hours burn-in?
I love my Cary 303/300 
Have You Tried Cabledyne Interconnects?
Good info, thanks. I'll be sure to avoid ICs with Cardas plugs. 
Have You Tried Cabledyne Interconnects?
Sonic_genius: Cardas plugs are silver-plated brass or copper. Both materials are non-magnetic. The copper ones sound good, and are expensive. Are you the Cabledyne guy? 
Have You Tried Cabledyne Interconnects?
I'm guessing they cut costs by using silver-plated brass RCA plugs. Like Ebm, I'll pass.