
Responses from jburidan

Power cords?
I like DH Labs Power Plus with good connectors, e.g., Furutech, Oyaide, Neotech, etc. The plug is as important as the cable. 
What does REFERENCE mean?
How to test balance between right and left channel
SPL meter is probably different from your ears. Since human hearing is almost never balanced perfectly between left and right ear, the surest test is by ear IMHO. 
power cord recommendayion
DH Labs Power cables with good connectors such as Furutech, Oyaide or Neotech. 
Most accurate speaker
I like the big Tannoys, such as 215 DMT II used in many recording studios for final playback of the engineered master. The point is that a recording is engineered on a mixing board. The final result is intended to sound good. 
Power cord connectors
Can you hear a difference between your various Cardas Golden power cords with different connectors? 
Tube Mono-Block Recommendation
Art Audio and Wavelength Audio make some of the best SET monoblocks. 
Speakers that do pianos really well
Tannoy Prestige line. 
Power Cables diminishing returns
Suggest you buy used, if possible. Also, connectors make an enormous difference -- avoid brass and nickel. Duplex outlet makes a huge difference -- Oyaide R1 seems to be the best affordable outlet -- as usual, avoid brass and nickel. Chassis IEC i... 
Low-Powered Tube Amp for Zu Soul MkII?
300B SET is the way to go, IMHO. 
Best way to warm up the sound
Suggest you re-terminate the AC power cables with Neotech NC-P311 and NC-P302 gold-plated UPOCC copper connectors. Make sure the plating is gold, not rhodium.Very inexpensive during Sonicraft's close-out sale. FYI, I'm not affiliated with the seller. 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
I think Elizabeth may be right in saying that aftermarket fuses are amped-up. That would explain the sound. At any rate, I'm not risking it in my precious kit. 
Tube Mono-Block Recommendation
Wavelength Audio and Art Audio are two of the best. 
Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden
A company named 'USIS' has a contract to do background investigations of people who have applied for jobs that require a top-secret security clearance. I believe that USIS performed the security investigation on Snowden. However, USIS itself has b... 
LS50s and room size
LS50 is rear-ported, so you should place them away from the wall behind them. I considered them for my small room but wouldn't have been able to place them right. Went with sealed-enclosure Merlin TSM and couldn't be happier.