
Responses from jburidan

I love my PS Audio Direct Stream with Red Cloud :)
Nitewulf, it's not a delta sigma DAC.It uses an FPGA chip whose logic is determined by software. I understand it to be like a blank slate. Ted Smith writes the code. And there are periodic upgrades. It just keeps getting better and better. It soun... 
Metrum Hex vs. Pavane or Menuet?
No, but suggest you look at the PS Audio DirectStream. It's stunning since the Huron software release.  
Tannoy eyris 3 or focal cobalt 816s.. whats good ?
My speakers are Tannoy 215 DMT II which are the poor man's Westminster Royal. I have them on custom stands from Sound Anchor. The toe-in is such that the tweeters cross just behind me at the listening position. That's what Peter Lanzilotta recomme... 
PS Audio NEW Huron Firware upgrade. 😩😫😩
I love the Huron sound in my DS. Now I have a top tier DAC that gives immense satisfaction. 
Levinson No 39 fussy about cds
Harman is never any help :( 
Does anyone have an opinion about the new P S Audio Bridge 2 ?
I have the impression that it won't do gapless playback. Would look into this before buying. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
ctsooner: The CD/DVD ripper is the Acronova Nimbie NB21-DVD Auto Publisher, or NB-21BR for Blu-ray. I just bought one for ripping my 4,000+ CD collection. Then I plan to sell it like your friends out west. 
newbie DAC question
Broke in? So you're the one who took my speakers :) 
Help Tannoy XT6F with Primaluna
Give them a month to break in. Hopefully, they will sound much better. Mine did -- not the same model, though. 
Linear power supply for Arcam irdac
Linear power supply for Arcam irdac
I need a linear PSU 12V 8A. These values are not easy to find. 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Kernelbob, thanks for sharing your impressions. I definitely would not buy the PSA DS based on many credible reports. It may be designed for bright systems? 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Mulveling, please share your impressions as Yggy's evolves during/after break in. I'm particularly interested in its air and sound staging. 
Hot off the press: Yggdrasil review
Grannyring, it's horses for courses. My system isn't bright and I want an R2R ladder DAC, either the Yggy or a design that uses four BB PCM1704-K chips. But I see why others might not like these choices. 
Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations
Lee Morgan 'Sidewinder' and 'Cooker' and 'Gigolo' and 'The Procrastinator' and etc. Paolo Fresu 'Chiaroscuro' and 'Mare Nostrum'