
Responses from jburidan

SET amps ?
Single-ended triodes are the very best choice with speakers that are efficient. 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
Tannoy 215 DMT IICanary C900Cary SLP 05Wavelength Audio Triton SignatureWavelength CardinalArt Audio JotaCardas Clear 
starting from scratch ...new system
Tannoy Revolution DC6, especially the Signature model. There was a pair listed on Echo Audio this weekend. 
Your Preference: Resolution or Fullness?
Agree with Douglas Schroeder: don't choose between these false alternatives. 
Integrated Recommendation
Best solid state integrated that I've heard is the Simaudio I-7, but the cost used is more than your stated budget. 
Anyone auditioned the Cardas Clear? I have....
Cardas Clear is the best speaker cable that I've heard in my system. Now I'm saving up for a pair of Cardas Clear interconnects. 
Amplifier, less than 10 Watts, for PHY speakers
Save up for a good pair of SET monoblocks. 
Tube Dealer Recommendation
Tannoy or JBL
I doubt that any person has been able to compare the two at home. I'm not familiar with JBL. But I love the Tannoy sound and would buy Kingdom Royal, if I had the bread. Mostly, I listen to classical and jazz. 
GIK vs Real Traps vs Others
I bought GIK because they were less expensive. Not familiar with the others. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
This thread is a complete mess! 
Is a high priced Line Conditioner needed
I use PS Audio PPP for tuner, CDP and preamp but not for amplifiers. I find it to be a good thing. 
Power cords?
Ditto, Stringreen. Connectors make a huge difference. 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
SS amps and PP tube amps don't do timbre -- for that you want 300B SET, IME. 
What audio components are heirloom quality?
e.g., any Tannoy with DC15 drivers, Wavelength Audio SET monoblock and Art Audio Jota HC amps.