
Responses from jburidan

Looking for a single 300b
You mean TJ, not JJ, right? TJ is a Chinese tube, and JJ is Czech, I believe. 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
PO Box 99999 Mars 
To Couple or Decouple?
Couple, decouple, and then have a smoke :) 
My Cary SLP 05 sounds better with RCA, so that's what I use. 
vibrapods -- which component?
The music room is filled with vibrations; and the only way to stop musical vibrations is to stop the music. But mechanical vibrations are a different story, e.g., footsteps; and the components that benefit from mechanical isolation are turntables ... 
Help with new speakers
Suggest you look into large dual-concentric (DC) speakers in the Tannoy Prestige Series, e.g., 12 or 15 inch. IME, they are far better than any of the above-mentioned brands. I drive mine with 24 WPC SET monoblocks, but Prestige series are efficie... 
Tubes 101
Ei KT90 Type II is wonderful. However, I advise you to avoid Type III which is unreliable junk that may destroy your amp, start a house fire, etc. 
Beethoven Violin Sonatas---favorites and recs
I definitely favor Milstein's Bach. 
Tweeter height...align with ears?
As with Yogiboy, my experience is that manufacturers always recommend ear level. Higher will increase treble; lower will decrease treble. So, flavor to taste. 
Beethoven Violin Sonatas---favorites and recs
I love the Augustin Dumay/Maria Joao Pires set. 
Audioquest vs Acoustic Zen
I agree with Jmcgrogan2. The Acoustic Zen cables are more natural or musical. 
Opinion on Tannoy Loudspeakers......
The best! 
The Tannoy Speaker Line - worth a serious look ?
The large Tannoy dual-concentric loudspeakers are the best money can buy IME. 
Tannoy Turnberry SE Imaging and Breaking In
Peter Lanzilotta gave me good advice on toe-in. Angle them so that the tweeters cross slightly behind your head at the music listening chair. 
Need advice on rich sounding cables
Cardas Clear