
Responses from jburidan

Best Speaker for classical music
I'm happy with my Tannoy 15" DCs 
When to power off a tube amp?
I unplug my 300B SET monoblocks when I'm not using them because they consume lots of electricity, and leave other equipment on 24/7. 
floor standing speakers with powered woofer
Infinity Prelude MTS 
6550 tubes
Penta Labs solid plate (Shuggie KT88SC) was the only current production 6550 that I liked. Other than it, I liked only old stock tubes, such as Tung Sol or Philips ECG (Sylvania) 6550. 
Tube rolling Cary SLP-05
Have you tried the RCA input jacks in lieu of XLR? I find it preferable to use the RCA inputs. And then it matters not what is in the balanced buffer sockets. 
Tannoy Speaker Cable Synergy
Cardas Clear 
which tube?
Which speakers do you have? 
Speaker Cable Suggestion for Tannoy Speakers
Cardas Clear is the best I've tried, but it's expensive, and the bi-wire version (Cardas Clear Beyond) is even more costly. Acoustic Zen Double Barrel is the second best I've tried.Whatever you do, look for UPOCC wire with Teflon dielectric. 
Wrong speakers
Tannoy 15" DC is the best of the best. 
classical newbie
Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra performed the Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Fritz Reiner. 
Tannoy Kensington SE vs Magnepan 20.7
Tannoy sensitivity = 93dB while the Maggie = 86dB, so the Kensington is much more tube-friendly and will perform splendidly paired with, e.g., 300B SET amps on all kinds of music. I'm partial to the combination of big Tannoy DCs with SET amps -- t... 
24/192 Big Improvement Over 24/96????
My Cary 303/300 CDP has user-selectable upsampling. This feature allows me to tailor the sound of each recording. Not all recordings sound better at higher sampling rates. In other words, I think the answer to OP's question is unknowable. 
Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...
I look for UPOCC wire, teflon dielectric and good connectors, e.g., Oyaide P-004 & C004. Unfortunately, you won't find these things for $150. Suggest you try Signal Cable cables. 
Preamp for Art Jota
Cary SLP 05 
SET amps ?
Art Audio Jota HC with KR 300BXLS gives 24WPC and will drive any Tannoy 15" DC very nicely.