
Responses from jbrrp1

Technics Turntables...really???
nkonor,Yes, Ralph modded mine, too, for a Triplanar U12.  I have worked out the mat issues, center weight, and peripheral ring - - now it sings so neutrally that it is just music from the tape, it seems to my ears. 
How Long Should One Wait Before Switching When A/B ing
I think short term comparisons can more confuse than help, in that it gets you focusing on the "audiophile" aspects of sound reproduction, whereas long term listening gets you discovering how much musical enjoyment the change in gear brings you - ... 
Well, I like the photo, being a PF fan.  But you can keep the preamps, as I am quite happy with my PS Audio BHK Sig. 
Equipments worth - could you please help
Try researching recent sales on hifishark dot com, which is a pretty nice aggregating site.  You should be able to get ballpark value that way, then selling on this site or usaudiomart or audio asylum or others should work.  Best wishes as you sor... 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
I ran the original Quatro's for 7 years and loved them.  They absolutely reward you for very careful work on speaker placement, and tomic601's list of needed tools above is spot on.  I can testify to the 1/4" claims.One thing that amazed me was th... 
Need power amp recommendations for system
I say, go for the PS Audio 300 Monos and you will likely be quite happy and pretty "future proofed", to boot.  I am running them with their preamp in a system that uses TAD CR-1's.  They have all the power I need while offering plenty of finesse a... 
What does 10B mean to you-
The bingo caller is dyslexic? 
Pre and Amp Suggestions
I would encourage you to investigate the PS Audio BHK series products.  I am using the Signature preamp and the 300 Monos with my TAD CR-1’s, which can get too bright with the wrong inputs. The BHK stuff suits them mighty well.  Buying used, I am ... 
Anyone Else Using an Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra Distributed Bass Array System?
Hi, Tim! Thanks for posting your lengthy set up description and experiences with The Swarm.  I have been intrigued by this approach and will have a room sized big enough to permit it soon, so I am eager to learn more about it. It sure sounds like ... 
Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs
I actually moved from the Supertowers to the Proac Response Two’s, which I liked quite a lot and kept for many years - - much more forgiving in the highs. And I enjoyed a pair of Vandersteen Quatro’s for five years. Those are great, well balanced ... 
Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs
This turn brings me back!  In the early 90’s I switched from Vandersteen 2C’s (which were the speakers that first brought me into the high end) to Proac Supertowers (I believe I was influenced by a review by Jack English...). Those speakers brough... 
Reference 3a Grand Veena for a small room?
I can weigh in on the Royal Masters vs. de Capo i’s.  I owned the Royal Masters first, but sold them at a time when they did not fit into my system set up (WAF issues driving the stereo at that time, I’m afraid...).  Later I really missed them and... 
Reference 3a Grand Veena for a small room?
I agree with ozzy62:  you will be too close for the multiple drivers to integrate well for your ears, unfortunately.  Reference 3A speakers are wonderful, and having enough space would be cool for the Grand Veenas.  I also agree that the BE tweete... 
Recommended cork platter for my SL 1200 GR Technics TT
You can't lose trying the Herbie's mat to see if it lights your fire.  I tried his thickest one on my Technics SL-1200G and I am sending it back, as it made things too "damped" sounding for my taste - - but someone else might just love the sound t... 
I saw an ad for Morrow Audio cables
Agreed that the Morrow ads are annoying, and his company is very aggressive on this front!  And agreed that their cables are OK but nothing special.  I had the MA6's for a while, but they always seemed a bit "synthetic" sounding in my system, in r...