
Responses from jbrrp1

Having a problem when HVAC system turns on and cuts my system off!
I had something akin to this happening with my computer feeding USB to my Lampizator Golden Gate DAC, where every time the AC kicked in the music stopped for ~ 5 - 8 seconds, but then it would reestablish connection and continue.  Of course that g... 
Isolation stands: snakeoil?
My SOTA Cosmos table has a pretty good suspended set up for isolating it from the stand/environment.  But when I was able to buy an active vibration canceling table (a Herzan, pinched off of Ebay for peanuts), I was rather astonished at the improv... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
1)  They can be beneficial 2)  Yes (tried HiFi Tuning fuses several years ago and was unimpressed, so returned; tried SR Black last summer, same thing; tried SR Blue 3 months ago and let that check cash - - they were definitely worth it in my syst... 
Question for tube aficionados
Oh, do try some other tubes than the EH and Sovteks!  They are "adequate", IME, but certainly nothing special.  I have had great success trying 5751's in place of 12AX7's at the driver station for an EAR 890, and there are great options for voicin... 
Advice Needed on Choosing a Turntable
Consider the Technics SL1200G.  Can be had new for ~$3200 or so, if you call around (got mine for that).  For the money its an outstanding turntable. 
Anyone replace the power cord on 1200G?
"The right cord can make a substantial improvement."So, can you describe the before and after change, please?  I have 1200G that will be pressed into service pretty soon, so I am all ears!  TIA 
Paul Hynes Excuses to deliver the power supply SR7 , I Lost my money
His point on this forum just might be useful to others.  I know in the past I have considered contracting a Hynes power supply.  8 months and no supply certainly gives me pause.....  Might make one look into things more before committing funds. 
Vacuum Tube Retailer Option
+2 for TCTubes.  They have a tremendous testing set up, are thorough about it, and honest.  They seem to know the value of the NOS/Vintage tubes they have, but you can count on it when you buy it. 
Just some ADS history here
I remember lusting after a pair of L810 II's back in 1981, after hearing woodwinds reproduced on them....   Haven't heard them since, but I have thought it would be cool to hear them again to see how they hold up to all the great speakers I've own... 
+3 Swampwalker.  The OP seems to be throwing a tantrum, indeed, at this point.  Weird.Sorry you have to wade through stuff like this, Ralph... 
Gillatgh is right - - you best start avoiding all forums, magazines, etc. or the demon will rise up in you again!It's great to have a system together that you clearly enjoy.  I am pretty much to that place now, too.......just need a couple of cabl... 
VAC Phi 300.1a Single Channel Ground Loop Hum
I ran the VAC Phi 200 before I switched to PS Audio BHK 300 mono's (better fit for my speakers, for sure).  The VAC amp was very sensitive to bias balance between the output tubes, and when it was off (can be from a bad output tube) it created a G... 
Choice between Pass Labs & Constellation amp
I have not personally heard the Constellation amps, so cannot give you such a useful take on it.  But you might want to read some of the posts by "Dirk" at PS Audio's forum; he sold his Constellations for BHK gear and seems well pleased by the res... 
Choice between Pass Labs & Constellation amp
Here is input that is not exactly what you are seeking, but may prove valuable.  The Constellation amps were designed by Bascom H. King, a contract designer of considerable skill and pedigree in the business.A couple of years ago he designed ampli... 
Pass Labs “House Sound” vs. McIntosh “House Sound”
Funny!  I, too, was actually biased and skeptical about PS Audio gear, just because the "marketing" feel of the brand just was off-putting to me.  But I saw that a dealer for my same speakers really loved the match of the 300 Mono's in his system,...