
Responses from jbrrp1

Pass Labs “House Sound” vs. McIntosh “House Sound”
I would strongly suggest you consider the PS Audio BHK Sig preamp, too.  You run the 300 mono's and the DSJ DAC, so you know their equipment delivers.  I really like that preamp with my 300 mono's.  It sure is worth a try, and a demo wouldn't be t... 
New Technics SL1200G turntable
charliev, have you listened to the comparison the previous poster mentioned?  I have and I would say it is a mixed bag, that the more expensive table/arm seems to me to sing the music better, but the Technics has speed stability in its favor.  Dep... 
A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?
@gryphongryph - - I do hear a faint hiss from my speakers when I am up close to them, but I do not notice it when I am at my listening seat ~8 feet away.  It could be due to the Amperex 6922's I am using.@lak - - No, I have not had the pleasure to... 
A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?
I feel that the PS Audio "hype" is warranted.  For my system, their BHK 300 mono's and their Signature preamp proved to be compelling fits.  They power a pair of TAD CR-1's, and I find the total system sound to be very revealing, while giving the ... 
What's on your audio wish list for 2018?
@NkonorInteresting!  Top of my wish list is a Technics 1200G adapted for a Triplanar U12 that should be completed for me by next week.  When the 10R comes out I hope I don't feel sorely tempted! 
Balanced Preamp recommendations up to $5,500
I would highly recommend the PS Audio BHK Signature preamp to hit exactly the sonic priorities you outline.  I sold my VAC Ren Sig II for it, and it just plays music so absorbingly.  I am sure you can get one for less than $5.5k if you contact a d... 
Dedicated power circuits... Huge improvement!!!
A dedicated line is a direct "homerun" line from the power panel to an outlet (at least that's what my electrician termed it), no branching or serial connections of outlet boxes.  I added one in my old home in the early '90's and was underwhelmed ... 
New Vandersteens or something else?
A great speaker that is budget friendly for your range is a used pair of Reference 3A Grand Veena's that are on offer now for $2,500.  I've owned three different models of Reference 3A speakers and have loved them all (also started life in the hig... 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
I ran Quatros with Clear Day Double Shotgun, two pairs for true biwire, and I thought they were a very good match, especially considering the price.  I did move on to some Elrod Gold Statement biwire cables that bested them, but at a much higher p... 
VAC Signature MKiia SE vs standard MKiia
Definitely research this and exercise some caution, I would advise.  I know that member "Gwalt" here upgraded his VAC Ren Sig IIa to SE status, and did not like the change in the preamp's sonic character.  He explained to me that the preamp just s... 
Jazz for aficionados
RE:  Sonny Rollins.  "The Bridge" is simply a favorite jazz album for me.  I listened to it twice in the past week, and both times I just shook my head at Sonny's communicativeness with a reed.  As they say, there is no accounting for taste... 
Power cable from Audio Research Ref 6
Yep, I have found it worthwhile to upgrade from ARC's basic 20A power cords for the 2SE Phono stage.  I put an Elrod Gold Statement on, and the entire presentation had better dynamic nuance and musical "intelligibility", plus greater harmonic deve... 
Ayre KX-R or PS Audio BHK Pre
Yep, you should hear them both in your system and room and decide from there.  I have never heard an Ayre preamp, so I can offer no opinion on that, but I now own the BHK preamp and I have found it to be seriously worthy, with the nice advantage o... 
No bass from the Clue speakers.
I've got a pair of Clues driven by a Primaluna Dialogue One and the bass is definitely present with appealing balance.  Now, they don't produce the very bottom octave, but speakers that size never do.  From there on up, they are pretty good (altho... 
Power cord for digital stuffs?
Regarding the Plasmatron, it may not be a silver bullet improvement in all systems.  Steve can now count me as one who owned one and tried it with two different DAC's ( BADA DAC II, Audio Note 4.1) and sold it off.  I preferred the sound as fed ...