
Responses from jazzdude

Help with increasing gain on pre amp or options?
It may be an issue of voltage sensitivity instead of gain. 
Single input Line-Stage Pre-amp
I have a Supratek Sauvignon tube linestage that was built to order with one set inputs and one set of outputs. All Supratek gear is built to order and like yourself, I only have one source and I wanted my pre to be as transparent as possible. Visi... 
Driving me crazy
You might try Supratek. Mick's preamps use the 6SN7, with 6L6G's or EL34's for voltage regulators. Each pre is built to order. 
Speaker Recommendation for Tube Fan
I've seen some people drive Quad's with tube amps. 
Best Isolation Device for Speakers?
Rollerblock Jrs. work well for me. Sharper attack transients, tighter bass, larger soundstage, enhanced intrumental tone/harmonics/reverb. 
Thiel owners
I would wait till Dec/Jan before making a purchase. Thiel seems to release new models right before CES. Hopefully, there will be a 3.7 this winter. 
Less is more? Where's the midrange question -help
Sounds like you would be happier with other speakers. What else did you audition before you purchased. I would recommend Tannoy D500, Thiel CS2.3/2.4, Energy C9. Any of these speakers will have a more forward midrange. They should all be easy to f... 
Considering thiel 3.6 but need feedback
Not necessarily. My Thiels have the most even/extended bass response when placed 1' from the wall and 14' from my sitting position. Also Thiels are designed for farfield listening so you will want to strike a compromise between pulling the speaker... 
Buffered CD player?
Most CDP's and DAC's use a PLL to buffer data. This is where the digital clock is derived from. 
HAL-O, Isolation platforms, and tube cd players
I have a tube preamp with Hal-O tube dampers all around. Underneath I use symposium rollerblock jrs w/tungsten carbide balls and brightstar airmass. Microphonics are not an issue, at all. Imaging has gotten sharper and instrumental tone has become... 
Best Amp for my new Speakers?
I have never heard any one call Pass Labs amps "bright". Although I have heard that said of Revel Studio's and Salon's if the tweeters are not properly adjusted. Rowland amps sound like a good idea. Revel's and Sim Audio demo together in shows som... 
Aerial 10 T Owners Need Advice
Ditto what Piezo said about the 10T's. A very nice smooth midrange and non-fatigueing treble. A warm speaker overall, but the bass is a little loose and will require a beefy amp for discipline. I would recommend a SS amp, tube preamp, and cardas c... 
kef 104/2 or Thiel 2.3
What is you amplification? 
IC for Moon/Revel
I would consider IC's from cardas or jps labs. JPS labs has the warmer house sound. 
Is still the same? best digital cable is AES/EBU
Toslink is a crappy interface from an engineering standards perspective. There isn't a lot that can be done to enhance it. That is why toslink cables are relatively inexpensive. IMO weakest part of toslink is the connector. I put Hal-O interconnec...