
Responses from jazzdude

Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Sim Audio amps all have a notoriously long break-in period, 600 hrs minimum. Also after you power them on from a cold state they take a couple of days to settle in. Look at it from the manufacturer's perspective. If it wasn't true and borne out by... 
Can 33h's properly drive Salons with punch & SLAM?
To answer your first question, no. The 33H is somewhat underpowered compared to the Krell FPB600. I've auditioned a couple of systems with the 33H's including revel salons and b&w sig 800's. They sounded wonderful with the salons at moderate l... 
Coolest color for Wilson Watt/Puppy 7 ?
Do you have a wife or live-in gf, is WAF important? What is the decor and color-set of the listening room. Barring these considerations I would still choose something neutral like black/silver/titanium. Loud colored speakers may make your eyes gra... 
Best 6SN7 for the money?
Older 6SN7's are generally better. For the prices you mention, you should have no problem getting used Sylvania or RCA 6SN7GT/VT-231 on eBay. If you go with RCA get the grey-glass. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Tube matching is a must with push-pull configurations. With single-ended configurations (like all SupraTek's) it is optional but still a good idea. Ditto the need for a tube-tester, esp for someone who has invested a couple thousand in tubes. A go... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Audioobsessed - Supratek preamps have balanced and RCA outputs. But only RCA inputs. The preamp will drive a balanced poweramp but you'll be single-ended from the source. The preamp is a SET, I think only push-pull configurations can be balanced a... 
Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's
Cytocycle - That is very interesting. I travel a lot too. I've heard the WP7's in several showrooms during my travels but have always been underwhelmed with their soundstage and imaging abilities, the speakers have never even come close to disappe... 
Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's
Cytocycle - You wouldn't by chance have auditioned this gear at a dealer in Texas would you? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Stevem1960 - You touch on a very important point that the "no" preamp crowd would do well to consider. The "no" preamp scenario presupposes several things. That the audiophile has a very good poweramp that he likes, that the source has enough volt... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Louisl - I have run my DAC direct into my poweramp for 3 months prior to purchasing my cortese. "No" preamp sounds very good, I am able to hear every note, every detail, the noise floor of the recordings is very apparent because my system is so qu... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
bwhite - How many hours do you have on the cortese over the course of those 10 days? My cortese is dead quite also, but my chassis is slightly microphonic to the touch. Probably a result of my 6SN7's and not a reflection of the cortese. I am using... 
Wilson Watt/Puppy 6 or 7 versus Sophia
Brainwater, I won't get to read the article for several more weeks. What other speakers were listed in the review by way of comparitive comment. For example 'dynamics better than ...', 'more detailed than...'. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Petland, Talk to tucker about the mods he did just to find out what was changed. Don't go putting the 5u4g in the preamp until you talk to Mick about it. SupraTek preamps require indirecly heated (slow-start) rectifiers. GZ32, GZ34, GZ33, and GZ37... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Lisbon, use paypal if you can. 
Pre-Amp sound similar to Conrad Johnson
Are you looking for balanced inputs, outputs, or both? Only tube preamps that come to mind with both in/out are BAT and Atma-Sphere. Sonic Frontiers has XLR outputs, I think EAR has them. My Supratek has balanced outputs.