
Responses from jazzdude

Does Wadia need supratek ?
Does Supratek need Wadia? No insult meant toward Wadia owners. I am just trying to provoke a little "out-of-the-box" thought. Going direct from DAC to power amp means listening to one less component and one less set of internconnects. That doesn't... 
Thiel 3.6's - Stereophile measurements
Tombowlus - could you go into further detail explaining the meaning of the term "fuzzy" regarding the 3.6's midrange relative to the 2.4's. To me, "fuzzy" implies a lack of detail and definition similar to "opaque". 
Any feedback on TANNOY?
I would consider purchasing Tannoy before B&W any day. I especially like the Definition 500 & 700 models. I was unimpressed with the Dimension series. 
Revel Studios for half price?
For half the price you are going to give up some bass response and extension. You might try Thiel 2.4. I think the midrange is a little forward whereas the Revel Studios tend to be distant. Otherwise both are accurate sounding speakers. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I ordered the Cabernet from Mick. I'll let everyone know how it compares to the Sauvignon when I get it. 
Balanced Tube Preamps I Should Try
Swampwalker - The Supratek XLR outputs are balanced, meaning each XLR output transmits two phase signals. But the preamp is not considered a balanced design. 
Balanced Tube Preamps I Should Try
You have limited choices. BAT, Sonic Frontiers, Supratek are the few that come to mind. Personally I wouldn't get a tube preamp that has both balanced inputs and outputs. Truly balanced preamps are always push-pull configuration. Most people will ... 
Best Tube Preamp & SS Amp Combos
Sim Audio W-5 matches well with most tube preamps due to its high gain, high input impedance and good voltage sensitivity. You will have a more difficult time (but not impossible) mating the X-250 with a tube preamp because of its gain and input i... 
Does anyone have any experience with JM Labs Alto?
I've auditioned a pair and personally prefer the older mezzo utopias. To be fair the alto's tweeters were not broken in when I auditioned them. I also know a couple of philes that have the alto's. Everyone of them agrees that the alto's tweeters t... 
Suggested speakers to take the place of Dunlavy
Bigtee's comments are interesting because I was thinking along the same lines when I read Roland's post. You might also consider Piega. The usual caveats apply since revealing speakers are always sensitive to components and cabling. Some of the va... 
Aerial 7bs or Thiel 2.4s
I don't understand why you would even consider the 2.4's, given your preference for the 2's. I seems like your choices are narrowed down to keeping the 2's or replacing them with the 7B's. 
Supratek tuning
In my system, Sylvania VT-231 or Sylvania 6SN7GT, 1950's, green-label, bottom-getter. The former is a little lean to some ears, the latter is slightly fuller. Both have excellent top-end extension w/sweetness and tight bass. 
Supratek tuning
In my system the gain control only alters the gain. You should play around with it in your own system. I have several pair of the ken-rad vt-231 in black glass and clear glass. They have a full sound but they are not the sweetest 6SN7GT nor do the... 
Supratek tuning
Optimum gain setting will depend on your source and power amp and the quietness of your tubes. You shouldn't narrow your selection of 6SN7GT until you have taken opportunity to listen for yourself. By limiting yourself to only Ken-Rad Black Glass ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Stevem11960, Mick writes that his new preamps will have higher gain. What he doesn't say is how much gain the newer preamps will have, but 20db is the theoretical maximum gain a 6SN7GT. Otherwise I certainly agree with the tone of your post.