
Responses from jax2

Review: Cable shootout Nordost, Purist, Synergistic, MIT Speaker cable
This is a really well-written and thoughtfully presented review. I appreciate the intent of the very first paragraph, as well as many other personal touches that qualified your statements with personal preferences. I find reviews like yours to be ... 
Why no Tori Amos
I agree, Wildoats; constructive criticism and comments about music can certainly provide some guideance in the vastness of what is out there. However what I was suggesting is that you need no one to tell you "Kate blows Tori away". Were you to fol... 
Why no Tori Amos
Great conversation folks....thank you! Man, what a different approach we have Ben. The respect is mutual, yet I'm still struggling a bit to understand your perspective. I actively avoid reading criticism, especially about the arts. No, I'd put lit... 
Why no Tori Amos
Wildoats - my point about criticism is that good and bad are entirely relative to the individual. They are on a sliding scale and not absolute. What bugs me is when people phrase things in the form of absolutes as if their opinions are not just op... 
Why no Tori Amos
Enjoy some Dylan, and Guthrie too. Listen to some Beatles, and to Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters. Tori and Bush. I give none a higher rung on the ladder of my appreciation, in listening to any one of them, simply for the sake that they came up wi... 
How to clean tubes
I let my wife polish my tube any ol' time she pleases.....company, or not!Marco 
Why no Tori Amos
Ben - Thanks for taking the time to coment. By the fact that you need to qualify your statement, I'm thinking that you may have misunderstood the point I was trying to make in my post. That point was, whatever infleuences either Kate Bush or Tori ... 
Why no Tori Amos
I do also love Tori Amos' music. I've seen her in concert three times and enjoyed each profoundly. She is an amazing musician, along with being a charismatic performer. Made me wish I were a piano bench watching the way she grinds that thing! I th... 
Sell or keep my Turntable
Great thread indeed...I sold all my LP's! Thanks David! So they are sold - No more emails please, and thank you for all who wrote. There's a good reason for keeping your turntable Steve - 369 LP's for the price of 10 CD's!! Not bad!Marco 
Sell or keep my Turntable
Thanks for the charitable restraint 4yanx! Since you ask, I'll take the opportunity to make a shameless ad here since software ads are free anyway: Sure, you or anyone can unburden me of the LP chain around my ankle. As long as I don't have to mak... 
Sell or keep my Turntable
I'll play your devil's advocate among this crowd. 150 LP's is not exactly a massive collection, though what they mean to you may be an entirely different story. I sold my turntable rig that I'd had and upgraded several times since 1985. I tried an... 
If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question
I'd have pretty close to the same damn simple SET/horns system I already have, build a better room for listening that is isolated from the rest of the house, put some towards music, music, music, and put the very significant balance towards far mo... 
What's supporting your speakers?
Hasselblad 503CW or Bronica SQ-Ai
You beat me to the punch Albert! I think AudioAsylum has even got a "Wine" section on there now don't they? That "What Car do Audiophiles drive" thread has more responses than the majority of audio-related threads. BTW, I love my F5 as well, and w... 
Hasselblad 503CW or Bronica SQ-Ai
I've been a professional photographer for over twenty years now. Been shooting constantly since I was about six (1966). Most of my work currently is in Advertising and Photographic Illustration. If you're interested you can see some samples of my ...