
Responses from jax2

SET Tube Question
Vintage Klipsch speakers together with SET amplification is a match made in heaven IMO. You are starting out at the top from my perspective. I think which SET amp you decide on (which tube type) may be determined by listening to the different type... 
suggestions for used class A integrated under $2k
Since everyone is pushing SS, I'll give you some tube suggestions: I'd look at the Audiomat Arpege if your speakers are efficient enough to handle tubes (90db+ - I'm pretty sure those VR2's are efficient aren't they?). Also the Pathos got an all-o... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Hey Joncin, and breathrin-Today's sermon will be on the wonders of the vacum tube.....You hit the friggen jackpot with that combination as far as I'm concerned! It took me twenty years to figure that one out. I'd heard my friend's system which pai... 
Matching preamp for Pass Labs Aleph 5
With the Aleph 5 I had great results with an ARC LS-2B modified by GNS. It is a hybrid design using a single 6922 tube. I was using Silverline SR-17 monitors at the time. I'm sorry, but I recently sold my LS-2B and all the paperwork that went with... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Clueless>>Sometimes a pipe is just a pipe.Ah yes, but this just isn't one of those times my friend!Marco 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Diode-Why not just go for the real Champaign? Everyone knows all those beers trying to taste like Champaingn are just wannabes! Spring for the best and get the analog taste of REAL Champaign. Your friends will admire you and, hey, the chicks reall... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
It is a very good point that opinions should be weighed against one's experience. My experience with SS has been limited to mostly very expensive boutique systems using the likes of ML and Krell amplification, thoughtfully assembled with good wire... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Kt88 - Yes, I took it that way......I really was amused by it, I was not making fun of you for having made the comment...I really thought it was a very funny oxymoron. I end every post with my name, Marco, and you are welcome to use it rather than... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Clueless - I am deeply offended by your remarks. Yet I'm curiously refreshed as well. In fact, I'm getting a tingling in my loins reading it over again, and yet again! Could you expand on the "glowing phallus" part?! Marco 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
That's hilarious KT88...."Annoying and Refreshing"!! Well, I don't think I'll be selling any widgets or consumables with that logo. Chew Doublemint Gum for an Annoying and Refreshing break from your day! I'm glad at least you find some redeaming v... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Slappy is spot-on KT88. There are a whole butt-load (whoops, hope I didn't offend you there) of SS-loving Audiophiles out there who are anything but irritated by there SS systems. You seem to mistake YOUR opinion for EVERYONE's opinion, and even m... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Ahmen Slappy! Fuck broccoli!!! Brussel Sprouts have it all over broccoli! Anyone who thinks otherwise ought to have their head examined! Whoops, perhaps we should move this discussion over to "Vegigon". I hear the listings are free right now, and ... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Hey Gunbei, your Dallas friend is absolutely correct; more pixels does NOT a better image make. I've recently given into the digital realm in my own profession as it is a necessary tool these days. I purchased a Nikon D2H at the end of the year to... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Schubertmaniac - let me assure you that I need no lessons in what each of the two cameras are mostly used for. As Gunbei pointed out, you are just illustrating my point. They are two entirely different tools used to accomplish a similar task (maki... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
In answer to Jitwitn's questions:1. An 8X10 inch view camera consists of little more than a bellows, a metal (or wood) framework with some manual gears, a ground glass back and a lens. Whereas you break open an Nikon F5 and you will find all the n...