
Responses from jax2

klipsch speakers,be honest
Exertfluffer - You can find that thread and the links in my last response hereTo find any previous contributions to forums you can use the link "My Page" then log-in if you have not, click on "Forums Threads" and it will give you a list of your th... 
quicksilver silver mono's or quicksiver m60
Are you sure about the tube compliment? I thought the m60 used four EL34 tubes? Also the m60 has solid state rectification, whereas the Silver monos use a tube rectifier. I had a pair of Silver Mono's for about a year and did enjoy them very much.... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
Exertfluffer - If you'll look back on your previous identical question regarding where to find the crossover upgrades that you asked on another Klipsch thread you will find that I answered your question and provided the links to the ALK site, as w... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gads Gullahisland - You are a harsh judge of people indeed! Sorry, but I fail to see the posts you mentioned as any more than rather simple, and perhaps enthusiastic responses that answer the question posed, and in doing so give a peek into the li... 
What other obsessions do you have?
OK, I read through all the responses to the thread now and I now I really dont get where Gullahisland is coming up with "braggarts and snobs"?!On a more interesting note perhaps; Seems like the most popular other obsessions are led by wine and oth... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Hey Ed - Big winds indeed! Guess I had too much tofu and dried fruit. Once in a while you just gotta let'em rip. Sorry for the stink folks! Jeez, somebody light a match!Marco 
klipsch speakers,be honest
Sean- Yes, we've had this discussion before in another thread, which is one I think worthy of Joe reading. That's why I pointed out your suggestion regarding cabinet bracing and to search for some of your input on the subject. Also the wiring harn... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gullahisland - I have many friends who I would readily say something to that nature to their face and they'd probably laugh their asses off because they share a similar sense of humor. Judging by your reaction I'd say that you don't share the same... 
What other obsessions do you have?
"My point exactly. And up until your most recent post, I actually found you to be a pretty affable guy."You haven't read too many of my posts then! You must have missed a few doosies! I think the moderator may have removed many of them though. You... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
You already know how I feel Bigjoe, and I've posted those sentiments to a few of the threads I've answered on this subject. I do believe you are quite correct about the setup and the gear you are using them with. I've heard them sound utterly unli... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gullahisland - If you don't enjoy the thread, why are you posting to it? Move on man, nothing to see here but us braggards and snobs.......the very same ones posting everywhere else on this forum. What the heck is wrong with folks sharing some asp... 
Digital harshness or Clipping?
Sean and all- I just wanted to listen carefully again to confirm what I already had perceived: Listening to the recording at a lower volume, at least on the SET/horn system at work, I really can't tell that there is any distortion on those same hi... 
Digital harshness or Clipping?
Thank you both for the responses. I forgot to bring the recording home so will have to get back with some responses to both suggestions. I'll post tomorrow with that information.Many thanks!Marco 
Can we have an "Ask Sean" catagory?
Thank you for the prompt assistance Sean! I will have to give that recording a careful listen at lower volumes and get back with a response on that thread. I could answer from memory, but I don't think listening thus far has been as deliberate as ... 
Digital harshness or Clipping?
Because there are two recordings I know of of this piece, I found the right one on Amazon in case anyone is interested in which one it is. You can find it hereAs I said, there is another recording of the same piece....same performers, same space, ...