

Responses from jasonbourne71

At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
All subscribers to TAS and Stereophile are audiophiles!  
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
Khadas KTB DAC ($100) - entry point for an audiophile DAC! I have one  
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
DCM Time Windows! First pair bought in 1977 ($660). Sold those and bought an improved pair in 1979 (new woofers). Sold them in 1981 when I bought Quad 57's. Now using a third pair (52779, 52780) bought six years ago. A successful speaker company i... 
KEF Corelli SP 1051
Why not go on eBay and buy a pair of Vandersteen 2's? The older versions are excellent! They will sound way better than those KEF box speakers!  
Pre-amp Suggestion
Graaf amps can warm up a room with all those tubes! I doubt they sound warm! Silly how tube amps are thought to sound "warm"! Just buy a transparent preamp like a Benchmark and stop worrying about using a preamp as a tone control.  
Should I upgrade from NAD T175 to Anthem AVM 50
A sideways move at best!  
ARC amp differences.
Save your money and buy Prima Luna if you must have tubes! ARC is over-rated and over-priced! If it breaks good luck with repairs before the next decade!  
Ifi Zen Stream with Tidal Connect Frustration
It could be a problem with your iPad not working well with the Zen Stream. I don't use any Apple products, just android.  
Advice on using a dac with my avr
@akg_ca +1! Good advice!  
Anybody here pair a Kinki EX-M7 with a Magnepan LRS+ ?
SST Son would be my choice. Designed by the great James Bongiorno of SAE/GAS/Sumo - now Spread Spectrum Technology. I have two GAS Sons and a Thoebe preamp. Also a Sumo Andromeda amp and Athena preamp. All good stuff!  
Significant steps? (DAC)
A technically perfect DAC can be had for $100. That’s what I use. Why spend more?In the case of ever more costly DAC’s it seems to me to be the Emperor’s New Clothes that the obsessed have bought into. They all look different so therefore they mus... 
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
Quad - "The closest approach to the original sound" - from the advertising brochure!  
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
I have a pair of KLH Nines still working (sort of!). Along with two pairs of Quad 57's.  
Has Anyone Else Listened to Carina Round?
Existential Reckoning for $10 with free shipping from eBay.  
Has Anyone Else Listened to Carina Round?
I have ordered a Pucifer CD and about to order a Carina CD - Dancing in Slow Motion. Thank you Mijostyn for the heads up!