

Responses from jasonbourne71

Get your brother-in-law a pair of original JBL 100's or the 4312's to match the vintage Sansui amp. The Alpha 907i is a formidable piece!  
Jitter is a non-issue solved decades ago! Present day DAC's and streamers are immune to jitter. No need for re-clocking devices, despite what the neurotically obsessed will claim.  
@mahgister +1! That Alpha 907i from 1987 looks pretty impressive! List price was 260,000 yen, around $2600 dollars. Which one do you have?  
Pictures at an Exhibition
The Reiner/CSO is possibly the best recording of the orchestral version. Lewis Layton recording engineer for this and other Reiner/CSO's. I have the RCA .5 Series half-speed remaster made from the analog tapes.  
Pictures at an Exhibition
I have both! I don't like London squeezing all of Pictures on one side of the LP for both the orchestra and solo piano, each on a side. Dynamic range and bass have to be cut!  
Pictures at an Exhibition
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice
@noromance +1! Quads rule! I have two pairs and a pair of Futterman OTL amps.  
Yes, another audiophile at a crossroads story and request for advice
For transparency and coherency nothing beats electrostatic speakers! Check out the latest generation of Quad ESL's.  
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable
So I should throw away my Q Audio TimeStream  speaker cables and go search for something else?  
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable
Benchmark or McIntosh....
Sell the NHT's and buy the biggest pair of Sound Labs ESL's! Nothing as realistic as having square feet of sound radiating surface!  
looking for an integrated amp in the $1500 range
The Quads (all versions) can't be beat for low-level resolution. Regardless of whether made in the UK or China.   
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs?
@drewdawg999 +1!  
How easily can you distinguish between different DACs?
All competently designed DAC's sound alike - whether they cost $100 or $10,000. That's my belief/experience. Your beliefs and experiences may differ. DAC's are not turntables! In fact all competent DAC"s measure closely for distortion and noise.  
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
@mijostyn : I agree! The DQ-10's we're game-changers for the speaker market. Until the Time Windows came along a few years later! BTW I have the TW's AND DQ-10's. The last awaiting space for set up.