
Responses from jafox

Sumo The Five amplifier setup question
That seems very goofy .... running each phase of a balanced signal through its own single-ended RCA cable. Is this truly what is being done? ... or does the amp simply have labels for + and - inputs to support inverting and non-inverting preamp ou... 
MIT's not good for tube components?
Nsgarch provides many valuable comments here. I too ran with the 330 for many years and still use it in my HT setup. Compared to the latest offerings by many companies, the 330 is severely rolled off at the extremes and only has mediocre resolutio... 
CAT JL-2 Signature VS. Jadis JA80
Since your speakers have an amp for the bottom 2 octaves, you have several options for amplifiers that many of the rest of us do not have. I have not heard the Vandy 5 nor the Jadis amps and yet there seems to be a consensus that both of these pro... 
Broken CAT
Do a search in the archives. A number of us CAT amp owners have reported our findings with non-CAT preamps. 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Mrtennis essentially states that without proof, there is no knowledge, only opinion. But in the big picture, much of what we all personally consider knowledge is not proven until we too witness and experience if for ourselves.I "know" that Canberr... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Metro04 - As an educated EE, I clearly do not have the experience today to begin a scientific or engineering investigation on the matter for which you so very much want definitive answers. But I am not sure we are there yet anyway.As advanced as o... 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
It's unfortunate when responses become so emotional and even vicious. As an EE myself, I too lived for many years believing that power cables were minimal at best to not just provide an improvement, but demonstrate a difference between two models.... 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature and the KT-66 Tube preamp
Hi Chris, no no, you did not steer me wrong at all - on the contrary. Only through posts like yours here are the rest of us made aware of what else is out there to try. I greatly appreciate the time you took to share here.As for the KT66 not worki... 
Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature and the KT-66 Tube preamp
Finally I found a little loose change so I could not resist trying the KT66 tubes after Chris’s high praise. I got a used pair of Genalex and an unused pair of Marconi KT66. Currently I run with only one P.S. for the Callisto as well as one for th... 
What is the best phono preamp you have heard?
Earthpulse - This is a discussion on phono stages not line stages. "No preamp at all" is not applicable here. 
What is the best phono preamp you have heard?
Dougdeacon raises a very good point on the issue of what ultimately happens when a product goes commercial. The personal service from a privately built design would appeal much to me as well. Establishing a good relationship with such a designer w... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Tvad: You're gonna get us all fired. 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Newbee, I suspect that question should be posted to www.sizemattersgon.com And speaking of alterboys, I always wondered if that title had a double meaning. 
Good response Ghunter. I can relate to your last sentence as that was ultimately what I did with moving onto BAT, Aesthetix and CAT gear after being an ARC diehard for 15 years. And yes, such shifts can indeed require major changes elsewhere in th... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Discussionis provocitus?Hmmmm, more like: penuria substantia. Quislibet volo emo a Bose Radio? Vicis parumper dormio.