
Responses from ivanj

Bel Canto EvO 200.2 monoblocks vs Pass X350
What's in the rest of your system? The Pass amps can make certain speakers (eg, CLS) sound as good or better than other amps. But they may not prove that big an upgrade in other situations. 
OMG I'm gonna kill VideoLogic...
Look at some of the epoxy sealed modules on the expensive stuff and see what's inside. Will folks (including me) never learn? 
Is Audiogon worth it?
I've had one person who sold me bad goods (NAK tape deck) on A'gon and that was 2 years ago. He's gone as far as I know and I haven't followed up - maybe I should. There are also good people on eBAY but many more shysters there. My biggest gripe i... 
Need inexpensive amp help and questions on Hype
Take a look at the Bryston B60 (?) integrated. 
Will I benifit form a external phono stage
I believe you would do better to improve your TT and arm. 
My highest praise - for Audiogon
Baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer are not sports, they are games. 
Is Your System Better Than the Music You Like?
Zaikesman, I don't disagree with you. Downgrading my system would make my ears hurt. But the Cello demonstration transformed a primitive, historical recording of great musical competence and made the music more accessible. The latter point, I thin... 
Marantz SA-14 vs Sony XA777ES
I sold my Wadia 850 - still a great unit though - and kept the 14. Oh yes, make sure you compensate for the pin three hot configuration on the 14 if you use balanced cables. The phase inversion can really screw up the sound, most notably in image ... 
Quad ESL 57's...Best Spkr Cable?
Mr Brouwer,Did you try the Magnan Signature?Are you related to Brouwer the mathematician? 
Is Your System Better Than the Music You Like?
One of my favorite demos was that of Mark Levinson at the original Goodwins in Cambridge. He took an old old jazz 78, fiddled around with his Cello Palette equalization settings, and made the thing sound wonderful. The IS something to be said for ... 
thorens 160
FWIW there is nothing wrong with the stock 160 tonearm as long as the proper cartridge is used and it functions correctly. IMHO. The tonearm on the 125/126 is even better. I would leave things alone tonearm - wise until you get things sorted out. 
Quad ESL 57's...Best Spkr Cable?
Use a flat cable from Nordost, Goertz, or Magnan. You'll find that many cables have a chestiness in a baritone voice that these cables do not. Do not confuse this with an absence of warmth or bass. 
Shipping prices and buyers...
I learned from your comments, thanks! 
Will Microsoft kill DVD-A and SACD?
Strike "new" from the first sentence of the preceeding. 
Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound
I miss Bascom King, EV Pisha and Ed Long on cartridges/turntables, and even Bert White, ET Canby &Heyser, RIP. Audio's measurements actually meant something, unlike the foolishness "Sfool" gives you. Fremer can be candid, too bad he isn't more...