
Responses from ivanj

HELP Question about shipping internationally.
Make sure that you understand about dimensional weight. I just shipped a mint McIntosh piece to Europe in the original double boxing and the economy price came to over $200. If it went by weight only, which you can't do anymore, it would be about ... 
Anyone know anything about Electro Harmonix 6922?
Looks like stock Sovtek 6922s have the same specs as the EHs. FWIW these are harsh in the input of my amp (Wolcotts) so even if the EHs are specially selected, Alexc is (most probably) on the money sonically. I agree with him the 7308s are special... 
Anyone know anything about Electro Harmonix 6922?
I have not heard them but I understand they spec out at 300V/2W. A 6DJ8/ECC88 specs at 130V/1.8W, a 6922/E88CC at 220V/1.8W, and a 7308/E188CC at 250V/2W. So I guess you can run them hot in AI and ARC stuff. My EH EL34s sound good, but I am a tube... 
Dynamic Tracking V.S Static Balancing
Why is this better than using the mechanism of dynamic tracking force? 
MM and Linn Linto?
Alexc, I *believe* the "wire solution" doesn't change the input impedance, only the gain by 10 db. The input impendance is still too low for a MM cartridge which require 47k ohms or so, so will sound bad. Please correct me if I am wrong. 
MM and Linn Linto?
A MM into a MC stage, eg Linto, won't work, and will sound bad. 
Best Frank Zappa´s Recordings
I like 200 Motels. IS the movie/video available? I saw it back in the late 60s. It had a certain charm to it... 
Need opinions on cartrige for Audio Research ph3
What else is in your system??? This question cannot be answered out of context. 
Best used Red Book Player for Rock-N-Roll
Beware of used CDP. That being said, a Wadia 850 ( or one of the others such as the 830, etc.) will fill the bill for your type of listening. 
Upgrade LP 12 or...
I'd have my present rig tuned up, get a new cartridge like a high-end Koetsu or the Arkiv/follow-on, consider the Lingo. Then I'd work on the placement of the table in order to minimize acoustic and environmental feedback. 
Pre-amp match for Moscode 600
Your amp probably has a high (>50k ohms) input impedance; my tube amps do. I'm going to be a contrarian and suggest you run a passive or SS preamp with your tube amp. I'd start with the Adcom 750. As a rule you find this a synergistic and quiet... 
KEF 104.2 AMP, Pre Amp suggestions
Why don't you contact the good people at Empirical Cables? I think they use those Kefs as a reference....make interesting cables too. 
Bohuslav Martinu
Can you suggest sources? Last time I ordered Supraphon from B&N I received one of the 5 CDs I ordered... 
Recommendations of CD player for my system
Socrates has a good point. Be careful of the used (Meridians) - word has it that they are not quite as reliable as one would want - you might be buying someone else's headaches. The stock SONY players sound good, and the mods I pointed out are sen... 
Low end TT vs. Hi end CD
Unfortunately all DD turntables - except for Denons - "cog" and thus in the ears of many are not acceptable as a true high end solution. But they are very convenient and come up to speed quickly.