
Responses from itsjustme

Best resistors for use in phono stage?
a bunch of people seem to be missing how electronics work. While the signal may not pass in one end and out of the other of these resistors, the music signal --  subsequently amplified -- voltage is sensed (dropped) across them. Any nonlinearity o... 
Why did my amp just crash and burn ?
learning moment: never touch any connections with the amp on, playing and connected to the speakers. You could damage the amp (maybe, most likely just a fuse) and could also, if you hit the wrong thing (say life an input ground) cause a noise tran... 
Amp's that are better sounding than a nad 3020
right. What Eric asked.  Are you talking a 40 year old product?  It was great, at the time.  I still have one squirreled away somewhere in fact. I suspect there are many better, but most are not $300, more like $1000+  
What cause tweeters hiss ?
lso the 15 years old XLR may not have a good shielding against WIFi ... perhaps. Many of these guesses are interesting ....except, everyone seems to forget that the OP stated that the volume of the integrated amp is at Zero - which is AFTER all... 
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable
BTW I’m not dumping on the Linn. Nor saying the AR -- as is -- is great. But the basic design of the AR may be superior - if the key parts are upgraded. The inter-locking pieces of the spindle/center/platter than cancel resonances is magic. but y... 
What cause tweeters hiss ?
I have absolutely no idea under what mechanism bad XLR cables would cause hiss.  At most, better shielded cables would reduce noise. Nor do I.  Buit the entire question as posed is a mystery.  
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable
I should add (but its too late to edit!) that while Linn Comes out 3/3 in my above comparison, that dopes not make it anything less than musical. Set up is critical, as with any analog device. Its voicing is "polite" - somewhat soft. But always en... 
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable
I was the one who compared (among other tables better than either) my AR to the Linn. AR Xa. Merrill subchassis. Merrill motor and power supply. Jelco arm. Grado green. Agree no comparison to Linn / Ittok / troika. AR superior. Doesn’t have the sn... 
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable
I think some of the Linn bashing above is well ioff base, but it is old (and as noted older units are inferior to later units) and like any market leader, was never the best at its price-point.  Logic, Pink Triangle and myriad others were superior... 
What cause tweeters hiss ?
Unspecified, but i will assume that this is the XLRs (balanced cables) between your DAC and integrated amp? Therefore analog. Yes, unless there is some major defect in the XLR cable, this really makes very little sense.  I have seen, very occasio... 
What cause tweeters hiss ?
Tahquitz, you are saying that you had a 4,000+ Hz ground loop? Elaborate please. Possibly he needs to shield his chassis, but that's very different.  
FInally I have a noise issue
just pointing out that al the discussion of new fanged digital misses the point.  The TRS to RCA cable and the connection is analog.  The noise is ground noise.  No digital involved.  
What cause tweeters hiss ?
I forgot to ask. Is this s new problem? If so what changed?  
What cause tweeters hiss ?
Yes, i guessed that English might be your second language, and thanks for the clarification.  Your English is vastly better than my mastery of most languages! Your situation is a mystery.  Since the volume being down (essentially off) should blac... 
What cause tweeters hiss ?
is this a typo?: "Hiss sound disappear only until power cord is disconnected." When you connect the power cord the noise goes away.  When you disconnect the power cord the noise returns?