
Responses from invalid

Krell fpb 600 svs ultra tower
How do you know you are driving the amp to full power?    
Dedicated Circuits - Subpanel importance?
You are most likely right, but it doesn't seem like it would be a different phase either.  
Dedicated Circuits - Subpanel importance?
Seems to me, it would be a change in polarity not a change in phase. A change in phase is a change in timing, like in three phase systems.  
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
If you were using the marantz AVR for a preamp I can understand why it would sound better direct. I used a marantz AVR for a preamp and it didn't sound very good, I replaced it with a dedicated preamp for a big improvement.  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
AS LONG AS THEY ARE WITHIN 802.11 specs will work PERFECTLY.     That's the problem a lot of them do not meet specs even though they are advertised as such.  
Bob Carver Going Direct.
many of his amplifiers catch fire as has been shown here it is something he tries to hide.      I had a carver receiver that shot out a huge flame when it blew, I've had a few amps from other manufacturers blow that never shot out flames, just ... 
Bob Carver Going Direct.
For years Bob was a Solid State guy. What turned him on to tubes???   David Hafler may have influenced him and taught him how to wind transformers.      
Question about Class A
I believe the krell amp has a fan and ibais which makes it run cool and it only uses a lot of electricity if it is being driven hard.  
Bought powerful/expensive Amp+Speakers but plan to use an old preamp , am I crazy?
I would try the NAD, but I would not expect great sound. I tried using my Adcom preamp with my krell amp and it sounded horrible, bought a new preamp and now I have great sound.  
Question about Bi-Wiring
My apogee duetta 2's definitely sound better biwiring, even with inexpensive wire. Using thin stranded wire on the bass foil and thick stranded wire on the mid-range tweeters seems to work best.  
Preamp Deal of the Century
+1 for Andy at vintage tube services,  you have to call him because he is old school,  but he has the best tubes.  
Strange ticking noise when amps were powered on from cold
Sounds like a relay, but that's just a guess.  
Peeking inside a Carver Crimson 275 Tube Amplifier
I just looked up Bob Carver's net worth on the net, $39.3 million.  Just a bit of information to add to the mix.     I wonder how accurate that is, because I looked it up about 2 years ago and it was 8 million at that time.  
Audio research and krell
I believe krell added that jumper during the production of the ksa 250, because a certain model BAT preamp was causing DC issues, not all BAT models were a problem just one model if I remember right.  
Audio research and krell
There was a certain BAT tube preamp that had a problem and was putting out DC into amps. I've been running a tube preamp into a krell ksa300s for about 5 years now with no problems.