
Responses from inna

What I've Learned Over 18 Months In Four Easy Steps
# 3 is more complicated when your financial resources are not unlimited. As a general idea, I think the source should be the strongest link, even stronger than speakers.  
Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl
It is not the Friday Night but Passion Grace&Fire album by McLaughlin/de Lucia/di Meola that is an acoustic guitar masterpiece. And they don't try to outrun each other here. Unfortunately, it is a digital recording, but record still sounds be... 
Quality of recording
Yeah, except audiophile labels most of them have to do it most of the time, I guess. That's the problem for us.  
Gryphon Essence Pre and Stereo Power Amp Review
Gryphon Essence monos is a great true hi-fi bargain of the century. Pair it with Gryphon top preamp and cables and forget about amplification unless you need more power or want to move to tubes one day. Yes, I would go with monos not stereo.  
Recommend me a Class A Integrated Amp (or sound like Class A amp)
I didn't say a bad word about Luxman, I understand those who choose it. Accuphase class A just has more sophisticated sound. At least to me.  
Best Stereo Upgrade Value
Anyway, you choose the best source and speakers you can and then fill in everything in the middle. Tuning the room is additional direction. But not all of us can convert the room into a concert hall. Unfortunately.   
Recommend me a Class A Integrated Amp (or sound like Class A amp)
I would buy used Accuphase E- 530 on ebay from Japan for about $3500,  get transformer and be happy for a while. Accuphase E- 650 is step up, of course not to mention Accuphase E- 800. Coda is an interesting suggestion, I would say. L... 
Best Stereo Upgrade Value
" weakest link " is a great general answer. In my case, I would say adding PS Audio power regenerator was the single biggest improvement. Before it I was using inexpensive Furman power conditioner. Next, going from Redgum integrated to Burson se... 
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?
Ear and system dependent definitely. The difference in the same system can vary wildly, the steps up can be very significant. Besides, there are usually quite a number of cables and power cords in many systems, and if you do it the right way the i... 
Price Isn't Always Indicitive of Quality or Performance
What else is new ?  
Top 10 vintage cassette decks
I think I saw ZX-9 on Reverb for about $5k. It will take at least $1k cables and Maxell Vertex tapes, currently about $250 a piece, to sound its best. Anyone wants this ?   
Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?
You know, I just got $450 Audioengine HD4 powered speakers to mostly play VHS tapes in a smaller room. My main system is in another room. So I experimented with all interconnects that I have in the house connecting Panasonic pro SVHS deck and thos... 
Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl
Yes, Al Di Meola - Cielo e Terra - and , say, -Casino-.  
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
However, completely avoiding Chinese parts in audiophile equipment is very very difficult. Accuphase, Gryphon, Nottingham come to mind.  Maybe Lamm, D'Agostino and Boulder, I don't know. But if we insist and are prepared to pay more things will c... 
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
Quality is one thing but China is not exactly a friendly country, remember ? Companies are like prostitutes, this doesn't mean we should be that too. Especially if we can avoid it.