
Responses from inna

For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
Do some of you guys know how to marry or what ?  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
The best cartridge in the world is no cartridge. It is reel to reel deck playing tapes.  However, if true regarding that Grado, it may prove that MC is a flawed design and has always been. That's what some have kept saying for ages.  
How many plays can you get out of a good record?
If the pressing is reasonably good, records are clean and your turntable set-up is correct I wouldn’t worry much, though I too treat every record with LAST. It is not recommended to play records more often than once every 24 hours, vinyl needs ti... 
Which component to upgrade 1st ?
I would upgrade the digital source, yeah, if you listen to mostly digital. Otherwise I would upgrade the analogue front end, all of it including phono stage.  
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Song of the Nile by Dead Can Dance. Great stuff.  
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
Now, that's crazy - $14k for a refrigerator. $14k for interconnects ?...Well, it depends, I would say.    
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
No, I don't have a great sound, I have a not too bad mid-fi probably $17k or so sound. I don't know how much things cost when new. I bought only two components new - cartridge and a pair of interconnects, $500 and $1k respectively. It really gets... 
Jazz for aficionados
frogman, he did not understand  the "word" that McLaughlin had delivered when he had  written it many years ago. And instead of "speaking" it as was intended he went into something of his own making that at times sounded like inappropriate and mea... 
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
I am glad that I do not operate at this price level. $100k would be either too much or too little for me, and I am talking only one analogue source. $100k is just $25k multiplied by four - one for source, one for electronics, one for speakers and ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Jean-Luc completely spoiled the great Lotus Feet composition by McLaughlin. This is a disaster.  
Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?
Cables, people, cables. They are getting better. Recordings are getting worse - no digital so far can match top analogue. Electronics is a debatable point in many cases. Speakers - I don't know. Top turntables are probably even better than before.  
Your thoughts on selling
Visual grading requires time and experience. Can you teach your son how to do it? You may have expensive records, so unless money means s*** to you... As a buyer, I personally would pay you a fair price if I knew it ! Anyway, it pains me that y... 
Generally speaking, agree with power cords first approach. In other words, first thing to do is to improve power supplies, if possible. I would do speaker cables last unless what you currently have is just substandard junk.  
Niagara 5000 Vs Torus RM20 or PS Audio Power Plant 12
Gryphon is designed to work straight off the wall. This perhaps doesn't mean that one can't improve it but it may mean that you have to try just about everything worth trying, including that German company making battery powered regenerators, or w... 
Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?
This is more complicated. Even within one brand top of the line power cord may not be best for every component and every type of the component. But if I wanted to disregard what I just said myself I would first put 'the best' power cord on the re...