
Responses from inna

After a long, long sleep: ML-335
Have it serviced, don't touch it before that. It is very valuable. Have it looked over and it will serve you well for a long time to come.  
Music that has a hold of me beyond understanding
Whatever Luciano Pavarotti sings.  
Jazz for aficionados
stuartk, Yes, it's unusual enough, that's why I posted it.  
When did you put the most effort in setting up your audio system?
Each time I cleaned already clean records using Okki Nokki machine and Audio Intelligent fluids I heard a very small improvement in sound. I had to stop after five cleanings of some records, it became too crazy. I guess, if I had one of the best m... 
RCA versus XLR interconnects
Well, it might matter. It depends, yeah.  
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Yeah, better listen to some Audiogon members. Don't listen to me, though, it would get you in financial trouble in no time.  
Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?
Yes, you are.  
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
  Anyway, for our generation of audiophiles there will still be enough tube amps and tubes, if that's what we want. As for the next generations, that may be very different. Probably the same with tape and vinyl.  
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Ralph,  I appreciate your trying to console me but I am still in distress. In any case, so far we have only two kinds of amplification devices -  tube and transistor. Ralph, do you think that some other kind of the device can be invented in the ... 
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Ralph, I hope you are wrong about tube power amps becoming obsolete soon enough. It pains me. I am a traditionalist of a sort and don't want to hear it.  
What new gear have you just bought?
Gabriel Gold Infusion V2 RCA cables for my second system. Excellent cables, sound signature very similar to Wywires, at least both in my main and second systems.  
For those who always dreamed of owning a Nakamichi
I play Nakamichi 682ZX deck almost every day. Sure, my Nottingham Spacedeck sounds better but tape even in a cassette has its appeal. I also use Panasonic AG-7350 SVHS to play music. So, I miss nothing, I have it. What else should I add to this an... 
Jazz for aficionados
McLaughlin playing solo.  
What would your "perfect speaker" sound like.
Assuming that big orchestra is one instrument, perfect speakers should sound very close to that instrument at any sound level. And if to accomplish that they have to be of enormous size, so be it.  
I try not to dissect the sound. The closer to reality the better.. Room of course is always important, and the louder you play the more important.