
Responses from inna

Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Well, some will say that transistors are not worse, they simply sound different. But I think most audiophiles, especially those with almost unlimited budget, do prefer tube equipment.   
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
Yeah, I can sacrifice the variety, just give me the very best.  
Maximum Upgrade Potential
I think, you answered your own question - you are ready to upgrade the amp. Cost is always a consideration, of course. I too would not be engaging in endless tube rolling after 20 years of owning a piece. Without knowing anything about your taste... 
Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?
I give a credit to Chinese people for the China's economic transformation but this doesn't mean that I am eager to even indirectly participate in it. And I certainly would not appreciate being forced into it.  Long live (relatively) free the US a... 
Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?
If Canada is dictatorship then China is what ? I only buy Western and Japanese equipment, anyway, either new or used. Moderately priced. American tube amps with Chinese tubes in them ?.. I'd rather not but I understand their difficulties.  
Power cords known to produce good bass
Purist Audio Design Dominus. I got an old one with Ferox.  
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes
Accuphase Class A integrateds perhaps ?.. Quite expensive even used but they sound good. But affordable I don't think so.  
A Discussion About What Level Of Analog To Stop At
I would get one the very best turntable that I could afford. It is so important. Then maybe two arms with two cartridges. Maybe.  Probably one set would be enough. But that's me. Some really enjoy playing different tables with various arms and car... 
Speaker recommendations :-)
Vladimir Shushirin of Lamm always used to demo his amps with Kharma speakers and Purist Audio Design cables. So that's what I would try first. Lansche suggestion is interesting. In any case, choice of speakers is a very personal one.  https://w... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
Yeah, great table. I was going to suggest Kharma speakers but apparently it's too late.  
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Ralph might partly disagree, but tubes are like tape - there is currently no substitute.  By the way, vinyl has almost zero maintenance once you get things in order. Tape decks need attention. I don't know why more people don't buy tube equipmen... 
Best USB cable upgrade for around $1000
I have Silver in my second system that works well with Burson DAC. My main system is analogue only and there I have two pairs of Wywires Diamond interconnects. Great cables. I used to have Platinum interconnects and Purist Audio Neptune, upgraded ... 
Luxman vs Accuphase for Harbeth 40.3 XD
I think that matching speakers and amps is more complicated. General idea is to bring the best out of the speakers not really trying to compensate for their possible shortcomings or/and hide them. In the above example, Accuphase might be more in t... 
Luxman vs Accuphase for Harbeth 40.3 XD
I would compare Accuphase both class A and class AB to Gryphon Diablo 120 with your speakers. All might sound excellent but very different.   
I used to think pricey interconnects were snake oil...
That's the problem with many people in general and audiophiles in particular - they make too many assumptions instead of experiencing things. Another problem with some audiophiles is that their hearing is not really good, so they simply can't hea...