

Responses from ieales

Fans on amps.
85°C caps rated for 2000h in an amp running @ 35°C [95°F] have an rated life of 8000h.Oops. 2^5 = 32. 2000h rated are 64,000h @ 35°C. 32k days @ 2h/d ≈ 88y.However other factors limit the life other than temperature, so 15y is a safe limit. 
Fans on amps.
Wow, excellent information. I was mistaken, I had 105’s installed. Could you clarify your last sentence? Thanks!Installing 105°C caps is usually only a cost issue unless one takes the time to evaluate all parameters.Old electrolytic caps increase ... 
Fans on amps.
I have 80's NAD ampsElectrolytic capacitors have an industry rated life of about 15 years. Anything beyond that is borrowed time, running or not.Capacitor temperature ratings are 65°C, 85°C, 105°C & 125°CCaps are rated for about x000 hours @ t... 
Fans on amps.
AC Infinity fan unitOne purchaser mentioned it is quite audible at anything above a 1.This device will pull air through the amp and likely build up dust in the bottom vents.What is desired is to pull a small amount of air around and away from the ... 
Fans on amps.
fans should pull air AWAY from the ampuse inherently low noise fans with sub 30db ratingsuse 12v DC fans on a variable AC/DC adapteradjust the DC level so the fans run slightly above the stall pointEach installation requires its own design. On a t... 
Connector system between 12 GAUGE speaker wires
Help with crossover capacitors
Chaps,When you parallel caps and resistors, you also change the inductance, which may or may not affect the sound depending on the rest of the circuit.danybad:I would remove the shelving control and associated resistors to make the system flat , g... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
jworth:A recent AQ audio left me severely nonplussed. System was all McIntosh driving Bi-Wired B&W 800 D3. Generally excellent, with all AQ cables.Switching the speaker cable to a higher priced $12k vs $6k destroyed the balance. Vocals became ... 
High end Cables not important for certain electronics?
As a former professional recording engineer, I can attest that cable is every bit as variable on balanced connections as unbalanced.In some situations, cables make next to zero difference and others, large.The only constant is YMMV 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
All of the above are worthless because no one has your gear in your room with your source material and your preferences.The outputs, cables and inputs are a complex impedance. They interact, so without identical parameters, recommendations are wor... 
The Frankensteining of Amplifiers
Looking at the ad, the parts replaced fall into 'veils' category:They most probably will make the amplifier more transparent without radically changing the innate sound quality...… assuming the modifier has the expertise, equipment and EARS to eva... 
Phase Inversion, to flip polarity or not
There are innumerable stages in the recording chain that may or not be polarity correct.In a multitrack recording, there may be tracks [drums, guitar, bass, etc.] with correct polarity and tracks inverted.Selections recorded in one studio may be i... 
Spade vs bare wire
cd318: Back in the 80s, I became design engineer for a newly built private recording studio. We had identical MCI JH-24 multi track recorders. As best we could tell, they differed very little. Note that we had first rate, phase correct tri-amped m... 
Headroom Loss for 1600w on 14ga/120v
OOPs - just realized I had my 240v hat on doing the calcs above. ±30V is 2:1 turns ratio for 120v. Wall current draw is double.Mea Culpa. 
Headroom Loss for 1600w on 14ga/120v
it was obvious from the OP alone that this is all about a guy with zero listening skills and even less understanding of audio@millercarbon: I've been listening for more than ½ century. No one who has heard my HiFi in all that time has ever had a ...