

Responses from ieales

The Science of Cables
Source and Load impedances also figure into the sonic equation.As well designed as the Iconoclasts are, there are a whole range of systems extant where a group of trained listeners with similar preferences are going to react from             YECH!... 
Med. 2 Way + great acoustics are better than a super speaker or a sub
there are a awful lot of offal m2w that no amount of room treatment will ever make listenable 
The Science of Cables
He also said that two cables with the same "RLC" measurements could have completely different sound. DOH! That is no surprise.There innumerable ways to lumped L, C & R parameters. The signal responds to an infinite series of µL µC & µR. G... 
The Science of Cables
One thing I still don't understand is which cable parameters that are responsible for what we call "transparency"It depends on what's stuck on the cable ends.For example, a loudspeaker with excessive group delay and a ringy tweeter may require a c... 
The Science of Cables
So.. Belden ’confirms’ the existing science of high end cables. So cable haters and naysayers....where’s your hater god now?Please don't equate well designed cables with the 'EQ filters' that so many 'high end' cables represent. 
The Science of Cables
powerful method for improving an audio system? beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Millions of people drink *$. I'll take the headache. 
Speaker wire... Diy?
I'm interested in getting music to sound as good as possible.Go to a live acoustic concert. HiFi is a 1% solution. 
Spade vs bare wire
@bac2vinylI was once head of analog engineering at a professional recording console manufacturer. When I arrived, my engineers had pretty much the same attitude that wire was wire and connectors pretty much of a muchness.We made up several identic... 
Spade vs bare wire
There is a vast chemical difference between tarnished and a metal's oxide. In a normal room environment, metal tarnishes, so the validity of the oxide conductivity is specious.Gas tight connections are best. Bare wire in a connector is a poor idea... 
My experience adding subwoofers to 2 channel
@mijostyn +1a swarm is even bass, not accurate. 
Speaker wire... Diy?
@dave_b All speakers are colored and far from neutral.I have a pile of Transparents, some of which I used for more than 15 years, currently 'resting' as they did not complement my monoblocks.Transparent makes great cables, but I refuse to drink th... 
Speaker wire... Diy?
That’s why these cable threads have been going on for forty years with pretty much the same results.mostly due to trolls that ruin the experience. Moronicity is seldom humorous. Tedious, definitely.@ddjr - it is entirely possible with your gear th... 
Ahhh--Problem solved. Adding a REL sub-bass unit...
Ouch! on so many levels.Low end is always the poor stepchild as it conflicts with parameters necessary for higher range of driver.Phase controls adjust at single frequency. See http://ielogical.com/assets/SubTerrBlues/PhaseControl.png at http://ie... 
Ahhh--Problem solved. Adding a REL sub-bass unit...
What do you recommend for a single capacitor that is "plug N’ Play"?This image shows the circuit topology of hi passf = 1 / (2πRC)f in HzR in Ohms of amplifier inputC in Farads of series capC = 1 / (2πfR)This calculator will do the math. Scroll do... 
Speaker wire... Diy?
Have you tried them? obviously not Many others around the world have tried them and prefer them to commercially available products.I leave it at that :-)@williewonka It's entirely possible that the Helix cable could make someone prefer their sound...