

Responses from ieales

AC Dedicated Line
ieales Not so. Full current is supplied by the PSU caps.You’re either deliberately splitting hairs here, or just not reading carefully. Obviously, the PSU caps can’t supply current to components not connected to it, but which are connected to othe... 
AC Dedicated Line
That way, when big crescendos emerge, you know full current is still available to the rest of the system.Not so. Full current is supplied by the PSU caps. The wall only supplies current when the cap voltage is lower than the line voltage plus 1 d... 
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
Hi Al,I should have said "Use caution if driving an unbalanced amplifier from the balanced outputs."Thanks for catching.- Best,    Ian 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
The effect was first demonstrated to me in a control room decades ago. When mixing, packing blanket were hung in front of the glass.Large screen TVs are reflectors and resonators, albeit becoming less so with ever more integrated electronics and i... 
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
for anyone interested, HDAM module schematics are available here https://muzgdiy.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/all_versions_2.pngThese HDAM's consists of discrete surface mount components with short mirror image L/R signal paths.IMO, this is marketi... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
@millercarbonMy speaker cables could have cost 1/8th my speakers. My point was that I am not averse to expensive product per se, if it is better.Other than owning a HiFi, what are most posters creds? Take a scan through some of the virtual systems... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
@mcmanus they just hear something that you do notYou have it backwards.Having been a Grammy nominated professional recording engineer, consultant to Monster Cable, Ibanez, principal engineer for several electronic firms, Chief of Analogue Design f... 
Barometric pressure, temperature, moon phase?
@dprincipatoYou may find http://ielogical.com/Audio/WinterBlues.php interesting and specifically http://ielogical.com/Audio/WinterBlues.php#TheFly for the effect of temperature on speaker XOverYou did not mention the source. LP playback systems ar... 
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
Sorry, but posts like the above are just fanboy prattle, equivalent to      "I changed everything and it sounded different."Many balanced devices are bodged to accommodate unbalanced operation and coupled with generally incorrect balanced wiring, ... 
Balanced vs RCA between amp/preamp
the sound of the interconnect won't be a thingMalarkey!Assuming balanced circuitry and connections are properly implemented, which far too often they are not, they can reduce common mode noise. FULL STOP.For balanced interconnects to be immune to ... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
@cleeds There is value in better cables that are well mated to a system.McManus gave no inkling as to manner of improvement, but just that he had scored savings purchasing used. Did he audition anything or just grab a deal? What specific problem w... 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
Someone finally got me to try better cables and my sound quality jumped. It jumped again when I spent $500 on used $1,200 cables and jumped again at $900 for used $2,200 cablesActually, "Someone finally got me to try different cables and my sound ... 
Fans on amps.
I just turn it up moreFor decades cognoscenti have played material at optimum level for the system and the material.It's one reason recording studio control rooms are so well sound proofed.Adjusting levels to compensate for ambient noise often com... 
Fans on amps.
The amps mentioned sound like PA amps which are not designed for HiFi home use.Any system that is audible when not playing isn't HiFi.There are many sound apps available for smart phones. Broadband, ambient noise should be below 40db or below 30db... 
Fans on amps.
Ya shoulda PM'd me back in the 70's. Mine was dead quiet ;-)