

Responses from ieales

Impact of phase inversion by preamp
I have no idea what %.That some recordings sound better in one polarity flipped at the loudspeakers, no doubt.Whether an upstream switch rather than speaker invert is better, I can't say. More convenient, definitely. Remote controlled, even better... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
some discs were inverted polarity relative to othersI only checked polarity between the reference pressings. I wanted to hear each with the same relative polarity.As far as the mechanics, just plug a sampling scope into a tape output and check fir... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
I meant that I marked polarity on the jacket, not that the LP itself was marked. The only ones I recall mentioning polarity were some D2D.I just recalled when The Tubes "The Completion Backward Principle" was mastered, the producer, David Foster, ... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
I first became cognizant of polarity in the mid 60's with the Command Series of recordings on 35mm tape. I forget how or why.For a long time, LPs were marked as to preferred polarity. They encompassed the full gamut of recorded music from Pop to O... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
In short, with any multi-channel recording all bets are off when it comes to polarity. Its a mixed bag, plain and simple. Nonsense.I polarity tested and corrected all the microphones.I verified all the lines and electronics.I made the recordings.S... 
speaker impeadance question
I have already made that determination on which way sounds better.I note that the OP accomplished the selection in a day or two. In decades of tube amp ownership, I've never found it to be so cut and dried, often taking many weeks / months to come... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
These statements are by no means universal truths :)EXACTLY!My point is to get people to consider what's behind the faceplate. Far too much HiFi is buzzword-bingo.Quite simply, operating the phase inversion switch is subtle- on multi-channel recor... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
@cleeds Nothing is completely passive. We may think of C in terms of uF, but there are L&R factors which pertain. Pull apart a switch and examine the contacts. One set may have a contaminants/wear/geometry that the other does not.A great recor... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
In a balanced preamp the phase switch simply redirects the inverted phase to the non-inverted circuitry and vice versa. Its completely passive.Nothing is completely passive. The more revealing the circuitry, the more it exposes component 'flaws'.E... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
Neo6 music modenow there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one. [I worked for dts]Multichannel processor playback is only suitable for phase mangled mp3, AAC et al. when out of the room or otherwise disinterested as in background in a noisy party. O... 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
many (most?) loudspeakers have their two or three drivers wired in opposing polaritieshopefully to correct crossovers phase shift and not arbitrarily.It is more than the bass that is affected. Percussion has very steep transients, sometimes exce... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
How natural is pin point imaging in acoustic music? Varies by program, venue, instrument and seat.so there’s something to be said for speakers with rear facing driversAll that can be said is "Don’t use them." Bose 901’s et al are an ’instrument’ i... 
AC Dedicated Line
I didn’t consider ground loops, so I will interconnect both ground bars on the entrance or I will keep one single ground bar for all circuits, new and old.Terminology: Ground ROD is in the earth and connects to the Panel Neutral BAR which connects... 
Do I have my power cords in the right spot?
Ignoring there are two map2 cords, there are a great many possible combinations.Swapping them around is a fools errand as D1/C1 D2/C2 maybe better with D3/C3 than with D3/C4.To properly conduct the test, you need a duplicate set of Cords to swap e... 
AC Dedicated Line
The ground is a true earth ground made by the electrician that wired your home. It is a 6' copper rod driven in the ground and connected to your electrical panel with a large single conductor to the ground bar in your service panel.Very False.Man...