
Responses from headphonedreams

CD or Streaming... am I missing out?
Are you comparing Spotify Premium and Amazon HD with Tidal Standard?I have both Spotify Premium and Tidal Hifi/Master and the latter is clearly much better. I have not tried Tidal Standard so I can't say how it compares.Regarding the original ques... 
Sub-$1250 DAC w/ built-in Headphone Amp
The Bifrost sounds like a great choice (and add a separate amp like Valhalla)! I have only heard a Ragnarok (an amp) but that was great so I trust Schiit as a company. They also have many great reviews. I think you will notice big improvement in S... 
Which amplifier should i buy
Another hybrid suggestion: Absolare Integrated. I've only heard them once at a show but they sounded very good, very natural.https://www.absolare.com/integrated-amplifier/ 
Looking for speaker advice-$10-20k
I liked both Sopra 2 and Kanta 3 when I heard them but it was not at the same time. Would probably go for Sopra if I could afford them. You hear a lot of details.I also thought Audio Solutions Figaro M were really good for their price and has read... 
Best DAC / Budget
You have already gotten a lot of good recommendations. I really like my Schiit amp and have heard a lot of good things about their dacs. Maybe you can find a used Yggdrasil for less than $2k?Or go down in price and try Okto.https://www.stereophile... 
Dream Speakers = landed. Now I need to feed them!
I 2nd the Schiit Ragnarok, it is a very good amp. You can get it with built in dac also but the total cost is about $2k. If you can find one used it may be lower. I think an integrated with a dac is the best option in this price range.Another idea... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
I have also heard dacs sound different from each other. I even had an old dac upgraded and it became much better.Regarding the question I would guess that something like a ML dac that was very advanced for its time still sounds good. Maybe not as ... 
Your advice needed, speakers to buy $8K to $13K
I 2nd Fyne speakers. All the ones I've heard has sounded great and their concentric drivers seems to work in many rooms. MBLs are also great. 
I just bought a Steinway which sounds like a banjo.
What a great answer by @replicnt6 !Regarding being serious I think a lot of manufacturers take this very seriously. A lot of us who buys gear also take it seriously, maybe a bit too much sometimes. We know a lot of people don't. It is perfectly ok... 
Looking for my Final Pair!!
If you like Tannoy you can also check out Fyne, very similar. I've liked all models I've heard.Another fun brand is Boenicke. The W11 should be in your price range. Unless you upgrade to W11 SE or SE+.http://hifiknights.com/reviews/speakers/boenic... 
Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs?
There are many floor standing speakers that are quite thin and uses 8 + 6 inch drivers or many 8 inch drivers. One of those with a sub may be a good compromise. Could look good and fill enough of the room.You can also listen to the Kii Three which... 
Need speaker advice
The Devore Orangutang O/93 are at least 93 db efficient. I would try that since they are available in Sweden. Maybe you have to avoid high volume and rock.https://audioconcept.se/produkt/devore-fidelity-orangutan-o-93/Or go for Thivan which are 98... 
Blade 2, Sopra 2 or 3 or Scala Evo?
Hi fellow Stockholmer!You seem to have chosen the Focal EVO already and I wish you a great time with them. Seems like great speakers. I was going to say that Jay's Audio Lab have made some Youtube videos about them and compared them to some other ... 
Speaker pairing for Naim Nait 5i
Naim and Focal are basically the same company, they should work together. Other than that I would start looking at British speakers.  
Amplifier brand/designer with the most unique and consistent “house sound?”
Naim. Rythm and pace.