
Responses from headphonedreams

Speaker upgrade for classical music
Some more recommendations. May be good to have a few options. Audio Solutions Figaro M speakers. Sounded really great at a show and has great reviews. http://hifiknights.com/reviews/speakers/audiosolutions-figaro-m-loudspeakers/Could combine with ... 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
I've listened to a Bryston amp with Orangutan O/93 speakers. That was a very good pairing and I wished I could afford it. I tried some rock but not metal.If you go for changing everything I would recommend trying the Kii Three which have massive a... 
Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.
If you like Tannoy you may want to investigate Fyne also. Lots of old Tannoy people are working there.The F703 or F702 may be something for you. 
Has anyone heard the SAT XD1
Yes, I’ve seen the pricing, and I have no issue with it.If I could afford it and it was the best, based on my own in home audition, I’d buy it.I'm with @dover on this, I think the price is high but I might buy it if I could afford to.It interest... 
How I'd spend money given no limits
I'm actually thinking about going to the Munich show. Maybe 2022. 
How I'd spend money given no limits
With no limits I would probably try to listen to a number of systems before making a choice.Electronics I have heard that sounded very good include* CH Precision* Apurna (https://www.apurna-france.com/index_en.html )* Aavik* Devialet* Pass Labs* A... 
Has anyone heard the SAT XD1
@lewm I just wondered if someone had heard or seen it. Or even just heard about it.But the discussion about if there should be hifi components prices so high the "are in the ether!" is interesting. I personally like that someone out there is pushi... 
How many NICE looking high end floor standing speaker are there at present
@justmetoo I don't know why I missed your response a few months back but Audiogon just notified me about it.Boenicke does not in my opinion sound analytical or thin. You can find some reviews online about them.From 6moons:" So... organic hi-rez t... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
If you are thinking about higher priced dacs then the Mola Mola Tambaqui could be of interest. I have only heard it once and shortly but it was good. There are some reviews of it. 
suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists
Rega has some nice integrateds. 
Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive.
(a bit late to this, sorry)I find it really strange to judge a hifi component by how much air it is in the box. I also think that if the manufacturers would shrink all boxes to the minimal size someone would complain about that instead. But it is ... 
Where are the cheap home streamers?
Project Streambox S2 is cheap. Orchard and Volumio Primo are ready made. 
Looking for a good system for my apartment. Any advise?
Except listening to many systems you can also read some reviews or listen to Youtube reviews. Here is Steve Guttenburgs recommendations for a sub $2500 system. I don't think it contained both streaming and LP so you will go up a bit in price.https... 
Looking for a basic streamer without a DAC, preamp, storage and all that
If you don't want to tinker with a Raspberry Pi you can buy a ready-made one. I have a RPi with a HifiBerry hat and Volumio connected to a dac and it works great.Like Volumio Primo or Orchard. Or Projekt.https://youtu.be/zSYyudGfX6Ehttps://orchard... 
Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
@bogbeat I think you should start a new thread.