
Responses from gregm

single drive speaker for VTL IT 85 integrated
any suggestion of (single-driver) speakers that can play both chamber and orchestra music wellTall order for a full orchestra. Either look at spkrs like the Yorkminster or Canterbury (Tannoy) /Pi speakers OR compromise on the full Mahlerian orch &... 
Is balanced necessarily better?
*Bsic balanced is slightly more expensive for obvious reasons (complementary circuits)*Balanced is useful because you just have to match circuits -- not components (so easier to implement linearity) + you get common mode rejection.*Of course, in b... 
Help me make the best arm-cartridge matches
Raul - I agree but, unfortunately, Simon Yorke doesn't sell separate tonearms (ASAIK).THSALMON: Oh my, what misery! You've just acquired one of the best TTs available.You should add a Schroeder of choice (the Ref is good but expensive). In which c... 
amp match
Probably the Plinius 250. I say this speculating on "matching" with the Aerials -- not personal ownership. This said, I also "like" the Plinius:) 
CD Players – life of laser
I can only say that playing life for (quality) lasers is usually spec'd at 100.000 hrs. That's a long time! 
Full Range Speakers for a Small Listening Room
Well, following yr data it looks like full-range choices would be corner loaded speakers -- & I'm not too sure you have enough room there either.Most probably you'll have to opt for a good pair of satellites + (two) subwoofs as Duke hints abov... 
I've come to the realization...
I still need something much smoother or laid back in the 5-10k hz range than any of these designs, + added warmth in the lower midrange wouldn't hurt either. Methinks that's a spkr/source voicing matter rather than connecting wires. In other words... 
Old NAD for ten bucks- to be modded or??
You could change the electrolytics & add bypass caps. Make sure there's enough space, however, before you go out buying huge audiophile approved caps at $1k/each:)Clean the transport mechanism. Leave the laser lens alone.Good buy! 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
OK, thanks. I thought the drive units were embedded in the wall. 
open baffle vs sealed box designs
OB need a separate low freq channel -- and it's usually a closed box. OR you need sophisticated equalisation (as in Linkwitz's Orion). BTW, I love the OB sound.So, I really don't think you'll be UNhappy with either the fostex (above-never heard th... 
borbely audio 420 phono stage
Interesting. Look forward to more detailed impressions. What are the specs for this unit? 
Time for a "massive" turntable: Spacedeck vs Scheu
Have you checked with dealer(s) for possible deals for a Simon Yorke (rare, but still; cancelled orders, upgrades)? I just mention it because s/one I know got such a deal s/where in the US (had to wait for it). It's mass TT & an outstanding pe... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Eldartford describes: "sw drivers mounted in the wall behind it" SO, you're "infinitely baffling" the sw?If so, I assume you're equalising the s/w via the Behringer - no? Have you checked for phase?CheersMrtennis notes "i still tend to hear both c... 
B&W 801 min tube wattage?
Going against the grain, I suggest you get a good pro amp for now (Crown, etc) -- 350-500W/channel. You can always use it later for the bass if you end up biamping. 
Amp power to drive 4 ohm speakers?
Speaker impedance changes with frequency -- so it probably drops under 4ohm. Low impedance = more difficult load. This said, yr transistor Cambridge should have no electrical trouble making music to about +8-10db(spl) over whatever nominal sensiti...